Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Todays Temperature

Today's Temperature

Today, and the next few days are looking to be absolutely amazing, if you like 'hot' temperature.  



Sunday, 27 July 2014



Eid Mubarak to everyone. 

From my family to your, peace. 


Sunday, 20 July 2014

Niyeti Guzel Olanin

Niyeti Guzel Olanin

'Niyeti guzel olanin, akibeti hayir olur' --- Atasozu (Anonim)

          Narrow roads of old Bodrum

I would like to explain what the above Quote means.  I will first write what it means in Turkish, as it does have a deep meaning. 

Afterwards, I will translate it to English. 

First of all, I need to explain what 'Atasozu' means.  The 'Atasozu' is used for 'sayings' 'quotes' 'proverbs' that have come from centuries past, and the author is an unknown person from society.  

Now, the Turkish meaning of the quote is written below:

Bir insan, bir sey yapmak isterse, ve yapacagi seyi onceden dusunup yapmak istemekte ise.  Ve bu yapacagi bir sey, kendisi, ailesine, mahallesine 'hayirli' ise, o zaman, sonuc olarak, bu isin sonu iyi olur.   Evet, sonuc olarak, herkez icin faydali olur.  Aksi taktirde, kotu niyeti olup, ise baslarsa, sonuc cok zararli olur, herkez icin.  

Kisacasi bu Atasozunun anlami budur.  

Bence cok anlamli bir soz idir.  

And now, the English translation. 

Before beginning a task, event or duty, make sure to understand that, the event needs to be beneficial to ones self, family and neighbourhood.  Because, if beneficial to ones self, it will be a 'positive' outcome for everyone.  However, if we have 'evil' or 'bad' intend from the beginning, the results will be detrimental to everyone. 

Basically, do the right thing from the beginning, and the result will be positive for everyone. 

Kind of a 'dark' topic today, however thought to share.  

          Arkada Bodrum Kalesi

Thank you again, for visiting and reading, 


Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Mesut Ozil Donates

Mesut Ozil Donates

Mesut Ozil, who was born in Germany, from Turkish parents has completed an incredible gesture.  The Arsenal player shows that he has compression and is keeping current with the events in the Middleaest.  

The German National Team football player, who won the World Cup title this year (2016), has donated his $500,000 World Cup winnings share to projects in Palestine.  

Mr Ozil, who is a practising Muslim, has decided to donate his bonus for a good cause of helping the 'children of Gaza’.  

May this good gesture be returned back to you in volumes of success in your future endeavours Mesut. 

Thank you for visiting, 


Saturday, 12 July 2014

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

World Cup Semi Finals

World Cup Semi Finals

The semi-finals of the prestigious World Cup have the following match-ups:

Brazil vs Germany 


Argentina vs Holland 

These will be exciting games. 



Hopefully you will make time to watch these games.  


Saturday, 5 July 2014

Aferim Oglum

Aferim Oglum

'Aferim oglum Mehmet, sanada pravo' - Vahi Oz (Legend of Turkish Cinema).  This line was used by this actor in numerous movies.  He was a good actor, may he rest in peace.  

        Vahi Oz and Hulusi Kentmen
       A scene from a movies

Thank you,


Hamptons Home

Hamptons Home

Hello All,

I have a beautiful executive home available to a professional and responsible person(s). 


House is available August 1, 2014. 

The rent will be $2,300.00. 

Damage deposit $1,500. 

This is a 1650 square feet, double garaged, walkout basement, backing onto a green space/man made lake, two storey home. 


Here are some details:
- executive lifestyle,
- cozy home,
- quiet neighbourhood,
- tranquil setting,
- double garage,
- walkout basement,
- backed onto a lake,
- two storey,
- 3 bedrooms,
- 3 bathrooms,
- hamptons. west-end location,
- black appliances,
- 1 year old, 
- upgraded home,
- basement not completed,

The The home is located in the Hamptons, which is a neighbourhood in the west end of Edmonton, close to many outlets. 

No pets please. 

Email me if you are interested. 

Thank you for visiting, 


Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Happy Ramazan

Happy Ramazan

Keep calm and happy Ramazan. 
