Friday 12 March 2021

Joe Pesci, cool cat

When I was younger, I loved Robert D Nero the most, but his last few movies were not what I wanted to see, therefore, do not really care for him as much.  I know, they mostly do it for money, but still, I thought a few of the comedy movies were poor quality.

Al Pacino was always cool in my eye, still is. 

But looking at these Hollywood guys thru my old man eyes now, I think Joe Pesci really surprised me how cool of an actor he turned out.  Like just the other day, I watched Home Alone with my son Ahmet and it was Joe Pesci making my son laugh.  Cannot believe that movie was 30 plus years ago.  

Joe should be in more movies, he just has that ‘I have been around’ look.   I think I like him the most.  

I have not seen the Irishman, I see Joe is in it, I will watch it for sure, now that I know he is in it.  

Thank you,