Wednesday 1 January 2014

Alma Mazlumun Ahını, Cıkar Aheste Aheste

'Alma Maslumun Ahini, Cikar Aheste, Aheste' - Atasozu

I would like to explain what the above Quote means.  I will first write what it means in Turkish, as it does have a deep meaning. 

Afterwards, I will translate it to English. 

First of all, I need to explain what 'Atasozu' means.  The 'Atasozu' is used for 'sayings' 'quotes' 'proverbs' that have come from centuries past, and the author is an unknown person from society.  

Now, the Turkish meaning of the quote is writing below:

Her insan zulme ugrayabilir.  Allah, zulme ugrayan insanın yaptıgi bedduayı mutlaka, bir gun kabul eder.  Bu beddua'gin duasi kabul eden Allah, ocunu o zalim kimseden alabilir.  Ama sabir gerekir, cunku elbet 'dua' kabul olur.  

Bundan dolayı hicbirimiz, kimseye zul etmesin.  Sonra yapılan kotulugun cezası omur boyu cekilebilir. 

And now, the English translation. 

We as humans might one day come across a very bad person, who might try to take 'advantage' from us.  For if this happens, we need to remind the 'wicked' person that I will pry to the All-mighty for punishment.  And that punishment, will indeed, one day, will occur, as my prying will surely be accepted from the 'Over-seer'. 

Therefore, live a 'honest' and 'pure' life; without exception.  

Kind of a 'dark' topic today, however thought to share.  

Thank you again, for reading. 

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