Friday 4 March 2022

Russia and Ukraine War

I was doing some research.  

We are always lied to.  

Russia is not like USA. USA goes out of its territory to start wars. Irak, Syria, Libya, Vietnam, Afghanistan etc.  all ended in disaster for those nations, millions of deaths.  

Russia has been invaded by the west for hundreds of years, therefore, all the nations west of Russia are her buffer nations, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Romania, Macedonia etc. and these nations came out of the collapsed Soviet Union.  

The buffet nations act as protection to Russia against the west. 

Now Putin advised NATO and USA to not initiate or push Ukraine to join NATO or any other alliance with USA or the west.  

What did NATO do or USA? They were confronting Russia by talking about a military base or bases in Ukraine.  

Now Putin is no angel, and war is not the answer. But we are being fed wrong news. It is again the USAs fault that war began.  

USA could have easily said, no to bases and ended it without war months ago.  

Russia is protecting herself from the west.  

At least, I read it this way.