Saturday 7 May 2022

Edirne Kapi Cemetery

My mom passed away in October 2019, she wanted to be buried in the same grave as her father and mothers. Plus, her older sister is in the same grave.   

Her family’s grave is in Istanbul, neighborhood is called Edirne Kapi, meaning, Adrian’s Door.  

The walls of Constantinople had multiple entry points into the city, and each entrance had a name. Her parents are buried at the outskirts of Adrian’s Door. 

In Islam, the deceased is not placed in the coffin, in the grave. What they do is, the deceased is brought to the grave site in the coffin, then taken out of the coffin, to be placed deep at the fooor of the grave, only in a white shroud. The body decomposes very fast in the grave. 

Therefore, in Istanbul, you are allowed to bury a person in the same grave every seven years.  In that one grave, my grandfather, grandmother, and aunt are resting. Probably, many other relatives that I do not know of.    

Well my mom wanted to be buried in that grave, but it did not happen.  

She is burried at the gravesite at yellowhead, exactly at the corner of 97 street and yellowhead. The Turkish portion of the cemetery is at that corner.