Thursday 15 September 2022

Real Madrid in the 1980s

Living in Turkey, in the mid 1980s, we use to get the European games live. Best teams back then or the ones that made it thru the elimination rounds were Real Madrid, Juventus, PSV Eindhoven, and Goteberg. 

You might remember, the English teams were banned from European soccer due to the Liverpool incident were the fans attacked the Italian visitors and the wall collapsed to kill a lot of them. 

I’ll have to find who the Italian team was, I think it was Juventus or AC Milan. 

Anyway, back then it was nice watching the games, it was always on Wednesday nights. My favourite team was Real Madrid.  

Also, back then there was only one channel, so you knew everyone in Istanbul were watching the same thing on TV. 

If you put your head outside your window, you would hear the echo coming from all the sounds of the TVs on. I remember that. It was cool. 

Life was more simple.