Wednesday 2 April 2014

Importance of Water

Importance of Water

I would like to bring attention to the following statistics regarding 'Clean Drinking Water'. 

          Banff Alberta 

- 70-75% of the Earth's surface is covered with water,
- 97.5% of the Earth's water is salt water,
- 2.8 billion people live in areas of high water scarcity,
- 2.2 million people die every year, from unsafe water and poor sanitation reasons,
- 2 elements make up water: hydrogen & oxygen,
- 96% of a cucumber is made up of water, 
- 65% of an adult human's body is made up of water,
- The same water that existed on the Earth millions of years ago, is still present today,

Water is the life of all living things, every living creature depends on water to survive.  

Last statistic:
- Of all the water on Earth, humans can only use about 1% of it.  Usable water is only found in groundwater aquifers, rivers and freshwater lakes. 

Please be cognizant of the importance of this liquid, and use it wisely.  


Ben here ehh,

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