Friday 28 November 2014

Game Over for Cesare Prandelli

Game Over for Cesare Prandelli 

Galatasaray Football Club has sacked Mr Cesare Prandelli following a series of poor results that culminated in the teams early exit from UEFA's Champions League.

I wish Mr Prandelli success in his future endeavours.  

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Gian, the Villain

Gian, the Villain 

The movies of 'A Fistful of Dollars' and 'A Few Dollars More' had something very important in common.  

Both films show the brilliant acting from 'Gian Maria Volonte'.   He was the villain in both movies directed by Sergio Leone.   Brilliant performance by this Italian actor, who died from a heart attack in the year 1994 at the city of Florina, located in northern Greece.  He was filming the movie 'Ulysses Gaze' when he passed away.  

Mr Volonte wanted to be buried in the small island of Sardinia. His resting place is at 'Isola Della Maddelena' on the previously mentioned island.  

I watched the movie of 'A Few Dollars More' again today and I very much enjoyed this movie, especially the performance of the late Mr Volonte.   RIP, the best villain in any movie.   


Sunday 9 November 2014



What though the radiance, which was once so bright,

Be now for ever taken from my sight,

Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendour in the grass,

Of glory in the flower,

We will grieve not, 

Rather find strength in what remains behind. 

(Wonderful poem) by William Wordsworth