Tuesday 21 April 2015

Rabbena Atina Min

Rabbena Atina Min

Rabbena atina min ledunke rahmeten ve heyyi lena min emrina raseda rabbis rahli sadri ve yessirli emri.  

          Pray while in the mist of a quiet night

"Our Lord, grant us Your mercy, and find us a good way out of our ordeal" 

Peace everyone, 


Sunday 5 April 2015

The All Seeing Eye

The All Seeing Eye

Have you ever wondered  what the 'All Seeing Eye' and the 'Pyramid' on the USA 1 dollar bill symbolizes?

          Annuit coeptis

I will briefly write about this today, but in another blog, at a later date, I will expand on this topic.   

I did a lot of research and concluded that  they mean the following: 

The Eye symbolizes the omnipresence and omniscience of God watching over all things.  It's also associated with the "Trinity".  Also, The Eye is regularly associated with spiritual knowledge in scripture. 

The Pyramid symbolizes a connection of "three".  The Father, Word and the Holy Ghost are "one".  

Man is made up of three parts: body, soul and spirit.  

Time is: past, present and future.  

All colors derive from three basic colors (plus white which is the absence of color): red, blue and green. 

Matter is: liquid, vapor (gas) and solids. 

In life, everything is in threes and therefore often symbolized in the three lines of a triangle.

