Friday 7 August 2015

Ramazan Day 16

Ramazan Day 16

Today, I have fasted for 14 of the 16 days.  It was difficult at times to not eat / drink from  'sun up' to 'sun down', however, I was given strength to keep at my 'fast' and conclude it properly, each day. 

We are now half way to the end of the 'holy' month of Ramazan; we 'Turks' call this month Ramazan, however, our Muslim brethren from the Middleaest call this month 'Ramadan'.  It is a simple change in translation, but the meaning is the same.  

'Ramazan' is the month of 'Awareness' as I like to describe this. It is a time of valuing our actions.  The items we tend to not 'give to much thought too', which are basically the food we eat.  Also, the interactions we have with the people around us needs to be respectful at all times.  

I will not write further, as some research on the 'Net' will give you further information on this month, which is called the 'King of all the other months'.  

It really is a spiritual month, for me.  I have 14 days to 'Fast' before being rewarded the daily simple things I seldom gave second thought too; an example of this is a cup of coffee, drank any time during the day.  Looking forward to this. 

May all of us, find our kingdom...


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