Saturday 23 December 2017

Kudus is the name of Jerusalem

I’m going to kindly disagree.  This is a very big deal for the Muslim’s and particularly the old territories of the Ottoman Empire.  I have been watching many talk shows about this and reading about it.  

The dilemma in the western world is that we get the news from the western perspective and donot know what happened in this area prior to 1949. 

Jerusalem and Israel prior to 1949 was a territory that was taken by the British and given to people who did not live there.  This is s fact.    The Palestinians that we’re there we’re given 1-10 or 1-100 of the value of their lands and told to move.  They have been trying to stand up, but obviously cannot...

Now prior to WW1, this territory was owned by the Ottoman Empire and with the gang bang that was done by the imperial powers, the Ottoman Empire was broken up into many pieces and these territories were taken.  Now we have to remember the empire never threatened anyone in these years, the British with the help of the money lenders, took it not once but twice from the Muslim world. Once from the empire and made a territory that was occupied by the UK.  And a second time, taken from the Palestinians that were there and given to the Israelites.  

Jerusalem, is a territory that has a very important value to the Abraham religions, we know that.  Islam is part of the Abraham religion and the reason El-kudus, this is the name of this area, it is believed that prophet Muhamed invited the other prophets to pray with him in the mosque with the golden dome.   I should not write long, but it is a very important city.   

The concern Turkey and the rest of the Muslim world has is this.   Why is this important city being made the capital of Israel???????, the people of Judas are but one of the three people that come from Abraham/Ibrahim. 

The city was taken from one people and given to another, and now made the capital.  It’s like rubbing salt in the others wound.  

Jerusalem should be recognized as a capital of not only Israel but the country of Palestine, oooo by the way USA and Israel (plus a few puppet countries) are the only countries that will not recognize Palestine as a country.  

I am very proud of Turkey for being the only Muslim country to stand up to Trump and say “no, this is wrong”.  

I am absolutely double proud of my adopted country of Canada to not vote.   

Did you guys read the tone of Trump 
“Vote or else” now this is democracy ehhh? I say no, fuck em. 

Sorry, this is a long email, but I have to state one more thing.  The land titles of 70% of El-kudus and the surrounding area are still owned by the members of the Ottoman dynasty that are now getting ready to put a claim against Turkey, United Nations and UK and others as these territories were owned by them and taken forcefully.  The reason it has taken the Ottoman/Osmanli dynasty this long to get organized is because the children of the Sultans are just now getting strong again and re-learning about their tragic past.  It has been 100 years since the dynasty was evicted from Istanbul in the year 1923 by the Imperial powers and all of their lands were forcefully taken.  Now some of these lands were not owned by the Ottoman Empire, these lands were owned personally by the members of the dynasty.   

Now here is an example:
Now queen elizabeth owns personal property in Somalia, Greece, Croatia etc and has millions of dollars put aside, what if USA takes it and says bye bye, what would happen? 

If we look at it from the reserve, we realize that there is a wrong made here, and this wrong is coming to call now.   

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