Sunday 1 April 2018

Sultan Vahideddin is buried in Syria

When the athiest Ataturk (english f’n spy) with the demand of the english told him to end the sultanate , the last sultan with his family were sent out of Istanbul.  The last sultan Vahideddin with his family settled in San Marino, a town in Italy.   He was not allowed to settle in a Muslim country as he wanted to settle in Damascus or Jerusalem or Medina-old territories of the Ottoman.  

He died in complete poverty, and Ataturk, who did not have the balls, did not help him as he was scared of the imperial powers that would sack him, therefore he stayed silent.  

Muslims living in Italy back then who were mostly immigrants, and citizens of the old territories of the Ottomans: Turks, Bosnians, Moroccans, Palestinians etc collected donations to send the body of the dead sultan to a Muslim country to be buried.  Ataturk again stayed silent and said he did not want the body to be buried in Istanbul.  Obviously the imperial powers said no therefore he said the way this is a true history as these stories are collaborated in the Turkish, English and French manuscripts of the old.  

So the country, that took the body of the sultan was Syria, as the sultan of Syria back then was married to the daughter of Abdulaziz, who was a past sultan of the Ottomans.   All these lands outside of Turkey have a connection to the Ottomans.  

Sultan Vahideddin is buried in Damascus in Suleymaniye Mosque, this was built 400 years prior by guess who????? His grandfather sultan Suleyman.  

These lands are all the Ottomans, wether the west likes it or not, it will join eventually again.  

Therefore, Assad is actually the grandchild of an Ottoman, he cannot do anything to Erdogan as he knows this as well.   

These little stories are not told to us in the west by our treasured news agencies...

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