Tuesday 13 October 2020

Neriman Koksal’s life

Neriman Koksal’s real name was Hatice Kökçü. 

Neriman was born on March 17, 1928 in the town named Rima, just on the outskirts of the European side of Istanbul. Shortly after her birth, her family moved to the neighborhood of Ferikoy of Istanbul.  

She never knew her father Ahmet Kokcu as when she was only two years old, her father passed away.  Her mother remarried and had five children, therefore Neriman was the eldest child.  

Neriman’s family were originally from Albania and moved to Turkey after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.  

Her father’s side of the family did not want her to work in the film industry, therefore Neriman changed her name. This worked well when she starred in secondary roles as no one within her family recognized her, when watching in the films. 

However, once she became famous, after her signature role of Fosforlu Cevriye, translated to English as, Phosphorus coloured girl named Cevriye, which was released in the year 1959.  It was impossible to hide her true name, Every one knew her now.  

Neriman stared in over 400 projects in Turkish cinema and Turkish TV, which was over a time of close to 50 years.  

Neriman was an extremely sought after actress, especially during her peak years between 1958 to 1970. She stared along side other legendary Turkish actors of Orhan Gunsiray, Ayhan Isik, and Izzet Gunay, just to name only three.  

Neriman passed away at the age of 72, on October 22, 1999, due to having and battling breast cancer for over a year.  

Neriman is buried at the Zincirlikuyu mezarligi, which is very close to where she lived for her entire life, again in Istanbul, on the European side of the city.  

The story goes as follows, when she was walking at Beyoglu neighbourhood of Istanbul, she was spotted by two Turkish sinema producers, who followed her home.  She was offered a role, right at the door step of her home.  She took the offer, and as they say, the test is history.  

We the fans are glad she took the offer.  

From Green Pine Film, we wish her family, friends, and fans patience. May she Rest In Peace, Allah rahmet eylesin.  

Friday 9 October 2020

Speak the Truth | John Wayne

Cannot blame a man for speaking the truth.  

When we came to Canada Years ago, we did not know who John Wayne was.  We did not have cable therefore watched channel 4, CBC mostly.   They use to play his movies a lot and therefore saw many of his movies within a few months and learned to cheer for him in the movies.  I always loved his accent and speech style.   I do have to admit I liked him right of the bat.  

Two Cops

Two cops were standing next to their cruiser and hanging around in the former East Germany shortly after the wall fell.  Two cyclists, who were lost (from England), looking for directions, stop next to the cops.  

"I don't speak German," one says to one of the cops, "Might you speak English?"  The cops shrug with incomprehension.

"Parlez vous francais?" Asks a biker, more shrugs by the cops. 

"Parla Italiano?" Shrugs by the cops. 

"Habla Espanol?" Same thing. 

The guy even tries Portuguese and Latin, no luck. 

Finally the bikers ride off, frustrated.

One cop looks at the other and says, "Hey, that biker spoke 6 languages!"

The first one shrugs one last time. "Yeah well, what good did it do"

Turkiye’de Ehliyet Almak Icin Yapilacak Isler

Turkiye'de ehliyet almak icin asagidaki isleri tek tek yapmaniz lazim gerek.  Bu liste yurt disinda olupda o ulkede ehliyeti olan sahisin Turkiye'de ehliyet almak istiyorsa.  

Ancak Turkiye ile diger ulke arasinda antlasma yoksa, bu liste gecerli degildir ve o zaman yeni ehliyet basvurusu yapman lazim, yani diger ulkede ehliyetiniz olsada yeni bastan ehliyet icin muracaat etmen lazim gelecek.  

Iste liste:

1- Surucu belgesinin noterden veya elcilikten tasdikli tercumesi,

2- Surucu belgesi dosyası (Soforler derneginden temin edebilirsiniz),

3- Surucu belgesi muracaat formu, (Trafik tescil kurulusunda elektronik ortamda doldurulur),

4- Nufus cuzdaninin asli ve fotokopisi (Yabanci uyruklular icin ikametgah tezkeresi),

5- İki adet fotograf, (Son alti ay icerinde cekilmis olmalidir)

6- Surucu olur raporu (asli) (Devlet hastanesi veya ozel saglik kuruluslarindan),

7- Kan grubu belgesi veya yazili beyani,

8- Yabanci surucu belgesi asli (Islemden sonra iade edilmek uzere),

9- Yabanci surucu belgesinin renkli fotokopisi,

10- Maliyeden veya bankadan harc makbuzu (Surucu belgesi sinifina gore),

11- Surucu belgesi kart ucreti, ve

12- KKTC surucu belgelerinin tercumesi istenmez.

Daha fazla bilgi icin http://www.trafik.gov.tr/ adresinden ogrenebilirsiniz.



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Hulya Kocyigit
