Friday 9 October 2020

Two Cops

Two cops were standing next to their cruiser and hanging around in the former East Germany shortly after the wall fell.  Two cyclists, who were lost (from England), looking for directions, stop next to the cops.  

"I don't speak German," one says to one of the cops, "Might you speak English?"  The cops shrug with incomprehension.

"Parlez vous francais?" Asks a biker, more shrugs by the cops. 

"Parla Italiano?" Shrugs by the cops. 

"Habla Espanol?" Same thing. 

The guy even tries Portuguese and Latin, no luck. 

Finally the bikers ride off, frustrated.

One cop looks at the other and says, "Hey, that biker spoke 6 languages!"

The first one shrugs one last time. "Yeah well, what good did it do"

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