Thursday 21 October 2021

Tormented Heart

Sultan Suleiman’s multiple sons were growing rapidly, and getting ready to take over the throne from their father. 

The sultan was witnessing the increasing tension between the male heirs and their mothers, which concerned and feared him. Therefore, due to the tensions, Suleiman did not leave Istanbul for long periods, as he believed his throne would be in jeopardy, and surely, he would be deposed. 

Suleiman had many concubines, and of the many, two of the females were the most important, since they provided the ruler with male heirs to his throne. 

The first woman to bear a male child was Mahidevran Gulbahar, who gave birth to Prince Mustafa, the eldest child of Suleiman. Mahidevran was of Albanian origin; she came from a wealthy family, and joined the sultan’s harem. The birth of Mustafa was particularly important, because he was the first child of Suleiman. 

The second female who bore male heirs for Sultan Suleiman was Hurrem Haseki. This young beautiful woman was a captured slave girl from the southeast section of Poland, where the country bordered Ukraine. The following were the sons of Hurrem, they were: Mehmet, Beyazit, Selim, and Cihangir. 

Hurrem and Suleiman were madly in love with one another. The tormented heart of Suleiman was very much evidenced by everyone, after the death of Hurrem. Furthermore, after her death, he lived an isolated life at the Topkapi Palace; the home of the sultanate family, in Istanbul. 

Could the torment he was living through, during the latter years of his life be due to another reason? 

It sure looked like some of the decisions made by Suleiman tormented him greatly, one of them being the order given to have his eldest son executed. 

Please order your copy, thank you.

Sunday 17 October 2021

The Obsession

The 5,000 janissaries were accompanying Sultan Mehmet deep into the capital city. 

The marching band kept playing their music proudly, while the janissaries stomped and chanted in complete unison, the words of the song:

“O glorious army! O great soldier, Come to the glorious land of bastion smashers. A shield in one hand, and the dagger in the other, Let us advance to the border of death, O gallant soldier. May everything be victorious in this land, Chanting the prayer, Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest, Let our army be immortally victorious!” 

The final destination - Hagia Sophia Church. 

Purchase and experience the love and respect Sultan Mehmet had for the divine capital city of Constantinople. 


Friday 15 October 2021

The Proud Stand

Emperor Constantine looked at his guests sitting around the imperial rectangle table, smiled dryly, and said softly, “greetings everyone.” 

The guests leaned forward toward the emperor. The ruler continued, “Madams, sirs, illustrious captains of the army, and our most Christian friends, I bid you all welcome to my table this evening.” 

He cleared his throat, then continued loudly, “We are here today to enjoy a delicious meal and drink. Before beginning to eat, I want to bring to everyone’s attention that the hour of battle is approaching. I want to make it clear to everyone, we, the people of Constantinople, must stand together with firm resolution. Remember that we have always fought with glory against the enemies of Christ. Now the defence of your fatherland will begin, the infidel, evil, and hideous Ottoman Turks are preparing for a siege of our city, once again.” 

The Proud Stand by the last emperor of the Byzantine Empire is exciting; this novelette tells the tale of the last confrontation between the Byzantine and the Ottoman Empires. 

Purchase the book today. ENJOY!

Monday 11 October 2021

Black Tent

Mustafa was the prince with the most potential of any other, during the 600 plus years existence of the Ottoman Empire. He was the hope for the majority of the people living in and out of the empire, to ascend to the throne.His father was Lawmaker Sultan Suleiman, who ruled the empire during the empire's zenith years. He was untouchable, revered, and feared. But, once looking past his mighty title, name, and qualifications, study shows that he made questionable decisions, one of them being the decision to order the execution of his eldest son - Mustafa.This story is a fictional telling of what happened when Mustafa rode into the Ottoman Empire’s campsite, and entered the shadowy big black tent, where his sultan father was waiting for him. What I will do is take you back to October 6, 1553, and bring forward previously unknown and intriguing events from that day, told in a fictional telling. Purchase the book and take a ride to a different world.Thank you and take good care,

Mother to a Prince

This is a non-fiction story of Mahidevran Sultan’s life. 

Mahidevran was the concubine of Lawmaker Sultan Suleiman. But more importantly, she was the mother of Prince Mustafa, the prince being the number one contender to be the next ruler of the Ottoman Empire. 

But, unfortunately the prince did not become the next ruler, as he was brutally executed with the cruel order by his sultan father. 

The intriguing life and times of Mahidevran Sultan was complex, full of intrigue and manipulation. This novelette is well researched accurate telling of the beautiful sultan’s life. 

Therefore, the esteemed readers will have an entertaining, thought-provoking, and surprising story ahead of them. 

Press the buy button and ENJOY! 

Thank you,

The Devoted Call for Hope

Why are you writing this story?There are lessons to be learned from the interactions of a sultan and his children, particularly, the sultan’s interaction with his eldest son. Plus, it is still a relevant story even after 500 years have passed, and important lessons can be filtered out from the interaction between a father and his son.Surely, this relationship between Sultan Suleiman and his eldest son Prince Mustafa was not learned in schools of the western world, whether, elementary, junior high, or high school. I should know, I went through the education system and the information written in this story was not thought. Granted, if one were to attend a History Faculty at any University, surely, one would expect that parts of this story, would have been thought in the program. But, I strongly suspect that the part about Prince Mustafa being executed by his biological sultan father would not be in the literature, maybe only a line or two, at the most would be there. Furthermore, the urge to write this story now is due to wanting to relay the information that is still an intriguing topic of conversation in other parts of the world, while in the western world, it is a topic that is seldom talked about, discussed, or studied. Moreover, it will be beneficial to write a non-fiction story that will educate and entertain the esteemed readers, and introduce a high percentage of them, to a part of the world that they might not know much about. But, I have to clarify the above statement of, a non-fiction story; this story is not entirely non-fiction. The story is a non-fiction telling of the Ottoman Empire, until the tail-end of Lawmaker Sultan Suleiman’s time, in other words, chapters one to five (and chapter seven) are true and well researched telling of the empire. Therefore, everything written up until chapter five is accurate and a fact. Granted, it is a strong statement, which could be retorted by a reader, with one line that could show something other than what was written in this story. However, I am confident of the truth, and welcome any critique, therefore, bring on the criticism. However, most everything in chapter six will be a fictional telling of what happened when Prince Mustafa rode into the Ottoman Empire’s campsite, and entered the shadowy big black tent, where his sultan father was waiting for him in, therefore, the readers will have an entertaining, interesting, and surprising chapter. But please, I urge you to not peek ahead. Therefore, to the question of, why are you writing this story? The answer is that I feel compelled to tell this fascinating tale to readers, who surely want a story about intrigue, manipulation, and refined culture from days long forgotten.In this story, I will explain the life of Prince Mustafa and the betrayal charges made against him by his sultan father. Also, the part where Mustafa enters the tent has been speculated by most everyone, but never fully known; what really happened inside the black tent? The factual answer is this, no one knows what happened. What I will do is take you back to October 6, 1553 and bring forward previously unknown and intriguing events from that day, told in a fictional telling. Purchase the book and take a ride to a different world.Thank you and take good care,