Monday 11 October 2021

Black Tent

Mustafa was the prince with the most potential of any other, during the 600 plus years existence of the Ottoman Empire. He was the hope for the majority of the people living in and out of the empire, to ascend to the throne.His father was Lawmaker Sultan Suleiman, who ruled the empire during the empire's zenith years. He was untouchable, revered, and feared. But, once looking past his mighty title, name, and qualifications, study shows that he made questionable decisions, one of them being the decision to order the execution of his eldest son - Mustafa.This story is a fictional telling of what happened when Mustafa rode into the Ottoman Empire’s campsite, and entered the shadowy big black tent, where his sultan father was waiting for him. What I will do is take you back to October 6, 1553, and bring forward previously unknown and intriguing events from that day, told in a fictional telling. Purchase the book and take a ride to a different world.Thank you and take good care,

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