Tuesday 2 August 2022

Durrusehvar Sultan



Despite being a member of Ottoman royal family, she refused to be buried in Turkey, since she was upset that the Turkish Government refused her father's burial in Istanbul in 1944.

The Republic of Turkey was very cruel to the Ottoman dynasty, Thanks to the first rulers’ legacy.

Bending Over of the Ottomans by the Imperialists

I don’t buy the argument or at least the down playing of Erdogan’s leadership by all the western writers/journalists.  I don’t buy it. 

He was elected numerous times by the majority of the citizens of Turkey. Why does the west keep referring and thinking and believing Erdogan is a lessor ruler, than say anyone of his counterparts? Is it because the west cannot put a puppet candidate to win against him? And just concludes, Erdogan is a dictator. Where is the proof that he is? 

When the French declared marshal law for the uprising and used excessive force, not  one western nation said that France was going over board beating/killing the immigrants. 

When Turkey declared marshal law because bombs were dropped onto the parliament, everyone of the western nations said, Erdogan is going over board in arresting so many military staff/reporters/judges etc. 

The double standard is obvious.  

I’m more liberal than most Turks, and it would piss me off if the same ruler kept winning elections. And I know many people in Turkey hate that he keeps winning, but living outside of Turkey and always reading negative comments about Erdogan and his party, really makes me say, “I hope he keeps winning to piss off the western rulers who donot know how to deal with him.”

I strongly feel he will win 2023, and the last few years of his rule will be melancholy as Turkey will wonder who will lead them next. Same mentality ruler like Erdogan (I hope so) or a “yes boss” man like most all of the leaders before Erdogan, even Ataturk was a “yes boss” man to the Imperialists.  
Yes boss, I’ll get rid of Islam. 
Yes boss, I’ll get rid of the Arabic writing. 
Yes boss, I’ll get rid of the Adhan. 
Yes boss, I’ll make sure women who attend university cannot wear the hijab. 
Yes boss, I’ll hang all the imams who go against western values. 
Yes boss, I’ll eliminate 1,000 Arabic words and put French words in our language, to move us away from the Arabs/Islam and closer to the west. 

Thought to share, I’m just thinking out loud, it will be another short book I’m working on. The title will be, The Bending Over of the Ottomans by the Imperialists.