Monday 29 June 2015

The Free Fall

The Free Fall

The markets today had one of its worth days.  The loss was over 2%.  

The main reason for the bad day was the worldwide debt, particularly Greece's debt.  Also, the markets are waiting for the decision of this country, wether Greece will stay or leave the European Union.  We all need to wait the outcome.  

Check out the numbers below:

          The red 


Ben here

Sunday 21 June 2015

My Dear Helen

My Dear Helen

I came by the below information of the actor Peter Cushing.  We all know him as the 'Dracula hunter' and some of us have recognized him in the original 1977 Star Wars movie.

Great actor, he was.   

     Rip Mr Cushing

Here is the information I wanted to bring to everyone's attention.   

In 1971, Mr. Cushing withdrew from the filming of 'Blood from the Mummy's Tomb' following the death of his wife, actress Violet Helene Beck.  He was married to Violet Helene since 1943.  The following year, he was quoted in an interview as having said, "Since Helen passed on I cannot find anything; the heart, quite simply, has gone out of everything.  Time is interminable, the loneliness is almost unbearable and the only thing that keeps me going is the knowledge that my dear Helen and I will be reunited again some day.  To join Helen is my only ambition.  You have my permission to publish that ... really, you know, dear boy, it's all just killing time.  Please say that."

I hope everyone finds their one and only true love, as Mr Cushing, surely knew he had. 


Friday 5 June 2015

Everything Passes By

 Everything Passes By

'Everything passes by and we are left with just our memories' --- Rid Akbay