Monday 13 July 2015

Editorial Letter Sent to Edmonton Sun

Editorial Letter Sent to Edmonton Sun

The editorial of Wednesday, April 8th, 2015 titled 'If you don't vote, don't complain' was rather laughable.  Please find it on the net, below is my email reply to 'Sun Media'.

          Sun newspaper 


Your editorial titled 'if you don't vote, don't complain!' is rather short cited.  

As citizens of Alberta, Canada, we have been through many provincial/federal elections.   There have been many politicians which have come and gone, however the promises made and then forgotten as soon as the 'office' is secured, are numerous.  

You might not want me to bring forth many of the so called 'taxes will not go up' speeches made, and afterwards in the comfort of a government salary/pension secured, the proclamation of 'well they need to go up', scenarios are many.  

Also, an intellect such as you, a reporter/editor working for the media should figure out by now that a politician only serves the benefit of him/her self, not the constituents.   

Therefore, the media is reading the low figures of the turnout at election day, as people being lazy or comfortable. 

We the people are informed and do not buy into this game of 'elect me, I will work for you'.  This rhetoric is old now, therefore many citizens are not voting.   

But, do not insult us and state 'don't complain'.    We pay over 40% of taxes in this country, and have children/parents in the government institutions, therefore allow us to make our points heard, even if we don't vote.  

Since, my email is getting rather long, in another email, I will write to you of the alternative ways to elect and govern the people, but this format that we have is now old, corrupt and even immoral.  

Finally in yet another email, I will further explain to the editors at sun media that our province is not protected by the borders any longer.   There are other individuals who have a say in how they want to be governed.  The ruling parties in each province/country are always rotating from governing to opposition party, but the ruling elite are always the same people/falmilies/organizations; who are the pinnacle of the elite, who rule with their own agenda, and my vote counts as much as the second hand movement of the 4th dimension.   

Thank you for reading, if you made it thus far, 


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