Saturday 9 September 2017

Deepest Fear

Deepest Fear

What is your deepest fear?
Ever thought about that?
What is it?
Change, resisting to it…
technology, trying to keep up,…
getting old…
or just being a good role model…
What is it?

Is this fear, which I will call ‘darkness’ holding you back?

You playing small does not serve the world, it really does not.  There is nothing enlightened about shrinking and feeling insecure and holding yourself back, because of it.

Can you learn to stand tall against this fear?  Try it, I say, just try it.

I am learning to do this; I am learning to stand really tall against my fear and darkness. 

Let me tell you something, you already know.

We are powerful, we are determined and we are all very strong, strong beyond measure.

Our light and energy should come forward, not be held back because of our fear.

We are all meant to shine as children do.  Do you remember that? Think back; think back to when how you freely conducted yourself, no fear, no darkness, and no embracement.

The shine, the light, it's not just in some of us, it is in everyone.  
And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give everyone around us permission to do the same.  Think about that…

When we liberate ourselves from our own darkness, our strong presence automatically frees others from their very own fear.

Thank you…

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