Wednesday 18 November 2020

Who is shaking the jar?

Excellent question.  

divide and conquer.   

If a government (ruled by the elite) sets the minimum wage at a certain amount and the newsrooms that are also owned by the elite, send out messages of “world is coming to an end” “high unemployment “ etc., then the citizens will not complain about the low minimum wage. Therefore, more profit to the elite.  

I think my example is very simple but the point is, we the common people are kept “in the dark” given the bare minimum information, and we cannot make proper decisions, the results constant chaos.   

Who is shaking the jar? 

Greed is.   

elite (top 1% that own almost everything), 
large corporations (that hide sales to not pay taxes), 
the above named have no empathy for the common people and we fight each other.   

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