Sunday 27 December 2020

Slippery out there, be careful

Hope you are fine man, it is slippery out.  Be careful. 

Last October I was walking with my son Ahmet, I was holding his hand.  

I slipped and landed on the left side of my shoulder.  And all thru out the slipping and falling, I was trying not to land on my son.  Like my feet were in the air, and somehow, I turned myself in the air, to land on the opposite side, to my hand holding Ahmet.  

I landed on my left side and Ahmet landed on my chest.  

We were both fine that day.  

Next few hours, I could not turn my neck or my shoulder.  

In the morning, I could not get out of bed, it was that bad and my left side, shoulders area was bruised, the bruise looked very cool however, purplish.  😁

It hurt for almost one week.  

Be careful, that ground is very hard, when it is frozen.  

Thank you,

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