Wednesday 14 May 2014

Soma Mine Explosion

Soma Mine Explosion

There was a Coal Mine Explosion on May 13, 2014, in the city of Soma, located in the province of Manisa, Turkey, that left 200 Miners dead; plus over 300 people are injured.  Also, hundreds are still trapped inside the Mine.  

         Injured miner

There had been 787 people inside the Coal Mine, when an electrical fault triggered the blast.

Rescuers and any person that can help out, are working hard to reach the hundreds of Miners still trapped underground.

Emergency crew helping an injured miner

Worried relatives and friends of the Miners have gathered outside the privately owned mine; all this is occurring about 450 kilometres west of the capital city of Ankara.

       Manisa is located in western Turkey

The nation is mourning the death of these individuals. 

My sincere condolences to everyone.  

Thank you for visiting,


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