Friday 29 May 2015

Beni Bilen Bilir

Beni Bilen Bilir

"Beni bilen bilir, bilmeyen, kendi gibi bilir" --- Mevlana

Thursday 7 May 2015

Galloway vs Hitchens

Galloway vs Hitchens

If you have time, please watch the entire debate as it is incredible; between these highly educated and knowledable characters.  

If you only have 30 minutes or so, start from the 15:00 minute mark.  This is when the honorable Mr George Galloway comes on; this man is the most outspoken Irishmen out there.  

     The honourable Mr Galloway

If you like what you here, search him on Youtube, the man is absolutely wonderful.  

I am a supporter of his views.  

Here is the link of the debate, below, if the link is not working, please copy and waste it to the address bar.   Or email me and I can help you out.  
