Saturday 8 March 2014

Prophet Noah

Prophet Noah

The movie titled 'Noah' starring Russell Crowe as the Prophet, who saves the lives of a pair of all creatures on earth, is almost ready for release in the theatres.  Unfortunately, the following countries of Qatar, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates have already 'banned' the viewing of the movie.  The reason given is that, the director Darren Aronofsky’s movie is banned due to 'Religious Grounds'. 

          Russell Crowe as Prophet Noah

The official news statement from these countries states: ‘The movie contradicts the teachings of Islam'. 

My questions to the 'Leaders' of these countries are very simple, 
'Are your citizens not able to comprehend a movie without the State interfering in their lives and minds?  
Can these citizen be able to freely think on their own? 
Are we as world citizens, not passed the rhetoric used, and be able to form our own opinions?'

Censorship needs to end, sooner then later in these parts of the world.  

Thank you for reading, 


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