Monday 11 August 2014

Day of Birth

Day of Birth

Some sites can now tell you the exact date of your birth.  I have copy/pasted a link of one of these sites, here below.

Please visit this site if you are interested in the 'day' of your birth.  I have an interesting story of my 'birth day'. 

It says I was born on a Sunday, when completing the required information on the above site.  My mother has told me the story of me being born on a Saturday, which is interesting as then it conflicts with the website.  

Here is the story:

My father went to work Saturday early morning, he was a 'Pazarci', which means that he sold fruits and vegetables at various 'Farmer markets'.  How it worked in Istanbul was that each day, he would sell his produce at a different farmers market across the city.  That day, on Saturday, he was located at 'Beykoz', which is a neighbourhood in the Asian side of Istanbul.  My parents lived in 'Fatih', which is on the European side of the city.  

     Fatih, Istanbul

I was born early afternoon on that day my father worked at Beykoz, which would be Saturday.   

Also, my father did not work Sundays, this was his only day off. 

     Beykoz, Istanbul

After giving birth in her home, the upstairs neighbour, who was my
mothers uncles daughter, and my mothers best friend, which her name was Hatice.   Hatice's husband was called to duty, however, sadly I cannot remember his name, today.  

Anyway, the husband of Hatice was sent to where my father was employed that day, to inform him I was born.  He went from Fatih to Beykoz, which would be approximately hour and half journey.  For his efforts and good news, my father bought him a nice meal, and they returned back home together, later that evening.  

I saw this gentleman, Hatice's husband when I last visited Istanbul in August 2012.  He re-told the nice story of how he travelled from the European side of Istanbul, and crossed the bosphorous sea to the Asian side to tell my father of the birth.  He told the story, while we were sitting at a 'coffee house' in Fatih.  I bought him a cup of tea and he spoke while I listened.  I hope I see him again when I visit Istanbul again....soon.  

I have to remember his name, his name is on the 'Tip of my tongue', 

Back to that webpage. 

Therefore, either the chart is wrong on the webpage, or my parents put my date of birth of January 31 and it should have been Saturday January 30th. 

Interesting story, I thought to share.  

Thank you for visiting,

Ben here 

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