Saturday 22 August 2015

The Good

The Good

For those who might not have recognized the man in the picture; this is Clint Eastwood, from the unforgettable movie 'The good, The Bad, and The Ugly'.


One of my favorite movies and a 'good' character, that I cheered for.

If you have not watched this movie yet, please make time to do so.


Sunday 16 August 2015

USA Land Size

USA Land Size

I came by the following information and wanted to share this today, as I found it to be important to know. 

Briefly, I wanted to know how USA increased the land size.  

Do you know which territories and/or states were part of America prior to 1830?  You might have an idea, I understand this.  

Now, add the following states of:
New Mexico, 
Nevada, and 
to America's size, as USA won the Mexican-American War, which occurred on the dates of 1846 to 1848.  

Also, the modern state of Texas was created partly from the Republic of Texas, which had won independence from Mexico in 1836 and became a state in 1845; and partly from land ceded by Mexico in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, after the Mexican-American War.

As we can understand, USA increased the land size dramatically around year of 1850. 

I found this topic to be very interesting, and wanted to bring to your attention. 

Sincerely now,

Ben here

Tuesday 11 August 2015



'Horozuna kravat taktigim' --- Vahi Oz (Vahe Ozinyan) Legendary Turkish Actor. 

World Cup Final of 2014

World Cup Final of 2014

The final of the prestigious World Cup Final will be played on July 13th, 2014.  

The teams that made it to the final are Germany  and Argentina. 


This will be a fantastic final against two very good team. 


Hopefully you will make time to watch this game.  


Friday 7 August 2015

Ramazan Day 16

Ramazan Day 16

Today, I have fasted for 14 of the 16 days.  It was difficult at times to not eat / drink from  'sun up' to 'sun down', however, I was given strength to keep at my 'fast' and conclude it properly, each day. 

We are now half way to the end of the 'holy' month of Ramazan; we 'Turks' call this month Ramazan, however, our Muslim brethren from the Middleaest call this month 'Ramadan'.  It is a simple change in translation, but the meaning is the same.  

'Ramazan' is the month of 'Awareness' as I like to describe this. It is a time of valuing our actions.  The items we tend to not 'give to much thought too', which are basically the food we eat.  Also, the interactions we have with the people around us needs to be respectful at all times.  

I will not write further, as some research on the 'Net' will give you further information on this month, which is called the 'King of all the other months'.  

It really is a spiritual month, for me.  I have 14 days to 'Fast' before being rewarded the daily simple things I seldom gave second thought too; an example of this is a cup of coffee, drank any time during the day.  Looking forward to this. 

May all of us, find our kingdom...


Grandin Court Downtown

Grandin Court Downtown 
Grandin Court is a condominium complex located in downtown Edmonton.  It is a 'walk-up' wood constructed, four story building.   
There are approximately 50 units available, and the prices range from $250,000 to $400,000, in today's value.  

Today is July 30, 2014. 

The location of the complex might be in my opinion, at the best liveable spot, if you are looking to work and live in 'downtown'.  
(((Picture taken on November 2013)))

It is in a quiet spot of busy downtown. 

The address of 'Grandin Court' is 9828-112 Street. 

I live here now and work on jasper avenue and 97 Street.  

It takes me 30 minutes to walk to work now, instead of driving for a minimum of 30 minutes per day.  

My recommendation to everyone is that, if able, try to live and work in close proximity, to save on time.  Particularly 'downtown' living has considerable amount of benefits, which I will write in detail, in another blog. 

For now, I would like to focus on the beautiful complex of 'Grandin Court'.  It is a nice place to call 'home'.  And I do recommend living in this complex, particularly buying in here. 

Thank you for visiting, leave a comment, if you have time. 



Ah Bu Masonlar

Ah Bu Masonlar
Ilk once 'Hulki Cevizoglu'nun Masonluk hakkındaki kitabini okumanizi tavsiye ederim.  Masonlar sir tutmasini bilen ve cok siki agizlidirlar; 'ser verip sır vermezler'.  

Mason, orgut gibi bir seydir.    Ama elbette belli bir amaclari vardir.  Devamli kendi aralarında toplantılar yaparlar, ve elbette toplantıları sırdir.  Masonlar davet ile uye kabul ediyorlar.  
Bazi tanimlara gore Masonlar, okumus, aydin, ve toplumun egitimli tabakasını olusturur.  
Masonlar, belli bir 'yas' seviyesine ulasmalari lazim, bu yas 30'dur.  Boyle bir kiriter olmazi sart.  Bir insan okumus olabilmesi lazim ve olgun ve aydin goruslerini anlatabilmeleri icin ve topluma yon verebilmesi icin bir seviyeye ulasmasi elbette sart.  

Soyle, 'basic' Masonlar hakkinda kisa bir bilgi veriyim dedim bugun, yakinda uzunca yazicagim. 



Thursday 6 August 2015

Ugly Not ,Eli Wallach

Ugly Not, Eli Wallach

Rest in Peace

The big man, from my favorite movie 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly' passed away on June 24th, 2014. 


Monday 3 August 2015

Bela Lugosi, at His Finest

Bela Lugosi, at His Finest

Bela Lugosi, at his finest, as the scary Count 'Dracula', in the 1931 movie of the same name.

Chateau Lacombe Hotel Edmonton

Chateau Lacombe Hotel Edmonton

The Hotel is located in the heart of downtown Edmonton, and it is now an iconic landmark.  

The Chateau Lacombe offers spectacular panoramic views of the North Saskatchewan River valley.  

It is a preferred choice for business travellers and a favourite destination for visitors from around the world. 

The picture above of the hotel was taken by me this morning, while walking in front of it on October 8th, 2014.  


Sabrin Sonu

Sabrin Sonu

'Sabrin sonu selamettir, basa gelen cekilir...'

Ne guzel bir soz.