Tuesday 18 July 2017

Financing and Rejection

Financing and Rejection 

Some banks are ready to approve a customer when a mortgage is wanted.  One assumes that when the customer deals with the same bank for many years, the process would allow the long-time customer to receive the mortgage.  

I have experienced the following ordeal where the bank I dealt with did not approve the re-financing of my mortgage, but a bank I never dealt with previously approved it, interesting is it not?

Here is the story:
I approached my bank, and after a few weeks (almost one month) of back and forth, I was declined a mortgage (re-financing of a mortgage).  Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) was my bank and one would assume that my bank was there to help me and other individuals.  That is not the case I find out, it is all about the banks aligning their own interests.   

Dominion Lending Institute
After my rejection, I went to Dominion Lending Institute.  This institute, I have dealt with years prior, but never talked to them in over ten years, and guess what?  They approved my mortgage, just like that.  You believe that? 

I ask now, why would a customer who has dealt with the same bank for many years still continue to bank at a bank that is not there to help customers when help is required?

 Some people will respond and write that banking policy did not allow the approval in one bank, while the other banks policy did.  I believe this rational. can be properly justified, but a customer looks at the bottom line, which is my bank for many years was not able to approve my mortgage, while a stranger bank was able to.  

Move your business
What I did next was rather satisfying for me, I moved my business (bank account etc.) from my old bank to the bank that approved my mortgage.  

I really feel RBC needs to treat me and others with more serious intentions, proper decision structure and respect.   Also, I speak mostly for myself, but do feel this is the new trend, which is customers are not loyal any longer, therefore try to keep them as a customer, since they will move their business else where when they are not dealt with full integrity and honesty.  

New vision
long term new vision needs to be discussed from top, and passed down to employees at RBC. 


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