Thursday 13 July 2017

Pepi Longsocks

Pepi Longsocks

Watching old SCTV episodes are a past time of mine.   SCTV is a Canadian show from the mid 1970s to early 1980s.  It is brilliantly funny, and I recommend this show wholeheartedly.  

I wanted to analyze and give a constructive review of one of the episodes of SCTV, titled Pepi Longsocks, here is a short link of a YouTube episode below:

Watching Pepi when I was a kid, I did not get the reference to other cultures.  But watching this and other episodes of SCTV now, I actually think that the references are bang-on and done very good, especially with this one.  

Here are a few points I want to make:

1, in this episode, it is supposedly Bulgaria, and me born around the Balkans, I remember watching old Turkish movies (still watching them now I must add), many of the older films are out of sink with the picture and the sound, and one learns to just accept this while watching, but in this episode/video, it is wickedly funny, done purposely,

2, outfits were nailed bang on; I have actually been to Sofya in 1988 (Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria) and they actually dressed almost like this in the country side of the capital city,
3, the name Pepi; don't know if Bulgarians have this name in use, most of the ones I know are either named Dimitri or Constantin, but only a minor issue here,
3, John Candy was in my opinion the most under-rated actor in Hollywood, watching him here brings to me nice memories of my simple childhood, he does this to me as I like him and admire him greatly.   I have nothing but good to say about him, may he rest in peace.  

Thank you for visiting, 


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