Friday 14 July 2017

Ustad Kadir Misiroglu

Ustad Kadir Misiroglu

Mr Kadir Misiroglu was born in the northern city of Trabzon, in the town of Akcaabat, on the following date of January 24, 1933.  He is a history researcher, who has brought forth well researched information regarding Turkey, Ottoman Empire, Ataturk (founder of the Turkish Republic), Anatolia and neighbouring lands, Islands in the Aegean Sea, Armenian conflict/war and the war of independence.  

All the researched topics by Mr Misiroglu have information that conflict with the previous version given by the Turkish republic.  

I follow him on YouTube, but he only speaks Turkish, for people of other languages, obviously this is a problem/dilemma.   My future project is to blog/vlog regarding some of the important information he has brought forth.  

Here below is a YouTube video, check it out, even if you donot understand, you will get a glimpse/understanding of his style.




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