Friday 24 October 2014

3rd Place

3rd Place

This years uefa champions league is well underway and after 3 games, Galatasaray SK is sitting in last place in their group, which has the following teams, from first to last:
Dortmund, 9 points
Arsenal, 6 points,
Anderlecht, 1 point, & 
Gala, 1 point.  

The first two teams make it to the last 16 of the champions league.  The third place team goes to the uefa cup competition, and will be in the last 32 teams in this competition.  And the last place team will be eliminated from European soccer competition for this season.  

I would recommend to Gala to really try to finish this years competition in third place, therefore they could continue  their journey in uefa cup competition, instead of the champions league.  Let us be honest, Gala is not very strong this year and they are not firing in all cylinders.  

The uefa cup competition will be better suited for Gala this year as the teams in this competition are more likely competitors for Gala. 

The last 3 games remaining for Gala are: 
Borussia Dirtmund, at Germany,
Anderlecht, in Belgium, &
Arsenal, in Turkey. 

I cannot see the team get even 1 point from the Germany game.  However, they should be able to secure a minimum of 1 point from Belgium.  The last game will surely need to be a win.  Therefore, Gala will hopefully finish with 5 points. 

Their direct competitor will be Anderletch.  The Belgium sides last 3 games are: 
Arsenal, at home,
Gala, at home, &
Dortmund, in Germany. 

I cannot see Anderlecht winning or tiring with Arsenal and the game against Borusia Dortmunf will be a definite win for  Dortmund.  

This is my analysis of this group within the champions league, therefore, from first to last, here below is the standing after 6 games: 
Borussia Dortmund,
Galatasaray, &

What do you think?


Thursday 16 October 2014

Mevlam Gor Diyerek

Mevlam Gor Diyerek

Bugun cok begendigim bir Turkunun sozlerini buraya yazmak istedim.  Buyrun okuyun ve manasini anlamissinizdir.  

Iste Turku sozleri:

Mevlam gor diyerek iki goz vermis,
Bilmem aglasam mi aglamasam mi,
Dura dura bir sel oldum erenler,
Bilmem caglasam mi caglamasam mi.

Yoksulun sirtindan doyan doyana,
Bunu goren yurek nasil dayana,
Yigit muhtac olmus kuru sogana,
Bilmem soylesem mi soylemesem mi.

Mahzuni Serif'im dindir acini,
Bazı acilardan al ilacini,
Pir Sultanlar gibi daragacini,
Bilmem boylasam mi boylamasam mi. 


Sunday 12 October 2014

Adalet Tecelli Etmedi

Adalet Tecelli Etmedi

'Adalet tecelli etmedi' - Atasozu

Bence bu Atasozu cok manali, soyle bir kisa aciklama yapiyim.  

'Hak yerini bulmadi'. 

          Yanginlar alevinden gelen dost

Yani istedigimiz bir sonuc cikmadi, bekledigimiz bir davadan yada herhangi bir interaction yada transaction'dan. 

Bir hatirlatma yapmak istedim, bizim cok guzel eski Atasoz'lerimiz bulunmaktadir.  



The Tale Grew

The Tale Grew

'The tale grew by the telling...'

Saturday 11 October 2014

Intervention by Turkey

Intervention by Turkey
I have been following the 'guerrilla war' going on in Syria, and I am perplexed at some comments made by westerners from the comfort of their peaceful homes.  
          Tanks sitting on the Turkish side 
Let us briefly look at the issue at hand.  
But first, I will re-write the question, why are some screaming for meddling and interventions by Turkey? 
The answer is that the Turkey does not want to get dragged into an in-ending & un-winnable guerrilla war.  
I invite citizens of the world to read 'Art of War' by Mr Sun Tzu.
If USA politicians actually read the book, they, I mean the politicians would not be constantly getting involved in fiascos all the time, all around the world.  
          Men watching the bombing
If IS (Islamic State) attacks Turkey, then the matter is different, as Turkey is justified to protect its borders and therefore retaliate.  What Turkey is doing is watching how the affair unfolds and using caution.  This 'caution' is something all countries should use, before bombing each other.  
But, let's say something needs to be done right away, as in we need to go into Syria and 'bomb' IS or other parties.  
I for one definitely agree that something should be done to save the people of the town of Kobani. 
However, Turkey should not fight IS on its own.  
What is required is a a 'joint force' of NATO countries going in to solve this dilemma.  
Or how about the 'so called' world powers of USA, UK, Canada and France, putting their nose into this as well and going into Syria and bombing that country like Afghanistan or Irak or Vietnam was 'handled' previously.  
But, let's not be sarcastic here.  
If Turkey were part of a joint force it would make sense to complete a 'peaceful ground operation' but for a single country to invade another is illegal and absolutely foolish. 
I hope our politicians have learned that 'war is not the answer to peace'.  I really hope that...

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Wallpaper of Summer 2014

Wallpaper of Summer 2014

the window scene in the classic 1931 movie

Bela Lugosi, the original Dracula.

Stay safe people, 


Thursday 2 October 2014

What Happened to Gala?

What Happenned to Gala?

My opinion is this.   

The game on October 1st, 2014, Arsenal vs Galatasaray, ended with a win for the English club, with 4-1 result.  

           the first goal by Arsenal 

Briefly, the problem is that the coach of Gala, Mr Prandelli is fooling around too much with the lineup. 

He played a 3 - 5 - 2 formation against Arsenal.   And he only played this formation once before.  Yes, you read that right, once before.  

Don't try new shit against these strong clubs, it works in Turkey, but will not work against European clubs.    

         Penalty for Gala

Play it safe, a 4 - 4 - 2 or 4 - 5 - 1 formation is best for Gala.  This is how (we) Gala, played for 40 years. It's in our culture.   

Fuck I hate that, a coach fooling around too much with the lineup, before a very important soccer game.  

Mr Prandelli will not last long now as the coach of Gala.  

We have a lot of good young coaches that deserve a chance but we as fans are not patient, we need to learn this, however not now, as here is the scenario unfolding at Gala, presently.  

Soon as the president of Gala resigns his position, effective October 25, 2014, the incoming new president will fire Mr Prandelli.  This is good, but bad aswell in that we are wasting to much money, since we will need to pay his salary for the entire season.  

          the only goal by Gala is from Burak Yilmaz

We should have never have fired Mr Terim or Mr Mancini, the previous two coaches for Gala. 

The future for Gala is not looking very bright, today. 

Tomorrow, needs to come fast. 

Thank you,
