Saturday 8 February 2014

Red $50 Bank Note

Red $50 Bank Note

The $50 bank note is red in colour, and introduced into circulation on March 26, 2012.  

The note is printed on polymer paper, which means the note is more plastic than paper.  This means that the note is more durable than the cotton-based paper it has replaced.  

The main reason by the Federal Government in implementing the new Canadian bank note is the 'Security' features.  A few of the security features are:
- the same clear windows and metallic images that are seen on the front are seen on the reverse,
- design incorporates a special tactile feature, similar to Braille Dots, for the blind, indicating the denomination of the bank note.  

          Canadian $50

The front of the note:
The front of the note features a handsome portrait of Mr William Lyon Mackenzie King, who was the Prime Minister from 1921 - 1948. 

The reserve of the note:
The reverse of the note shows the Canadian Coast Guard Ship, named 'Amundsen', which is a Research Icebreaker Ship. 

          The back

I was finally able to get my hands on a new/old $50 Canadian Bank Note, at the same time, and took the below two pictures: 

Also, I have written about $5, $10, $20 and $100 Canadian Bank Notes, please look for these blogs below:

$5 Canadian Note

New Purple $10 Canadian Note

$20 Canadian Currency

Big Brown $100 Bill

I have finally been able to complete my 'series' of trying to picture each of the new/old notes together. 

I will now try to get my hands on a $1,000 Bank Note.  I hear they are in circulation, however to this date, I have never been able to find one.  

Thank you for reading, 


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