Wednesday 12 February 2014

Reality of Amero

Reality of Amero

‘Amero’ is a proposed name for the future North American Currency, which would replace the ‘Canadian Lonnie’,  ‘American Dollar’, and ‘Mexican peso. 

This proposal is in existence and the authorities consistently meet to discuss the implementation of the ‘Amero’, as it is a way for the United States, Canada, and Mexico to collaborate on issues such as:
Environmental and safety regulations,
Narcotics smuggling, and

Implementation of the ‘Amero’ would involve the three countries named above to give up their current currency.  The new currency is modeled on the European Union Currency (Euro), and it is argued to be a natural extension of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP).

Also, another major benefit stated of the ‘Amero’ is believed that it will eventually increase trade through reduced complication for transactions of currency exchange rates between the three countries, as this would be eliminated.

The biggest drawbacks of changing over to the Amero would that the 'Federal Reserve' of USA will need to give up control of the 'money supply'.  The FED of the United States would be restricted on monetary policy.  The changes would:
Interest Rates and "money printing" would now be under the control of three countries rather than one,
The USA would no longer stand alone in its trade negotiations with other countries of the world, and
The USA would be subject to the rules of the neighboring two countries which could reduce its economic power.  

For now, the ‘Amero’ is just an idea that has been kicked around and talked about with no real plans for implementation, yet.  

We will continue to monitor the developments regarding the 'Amero'. 

Thank you, 


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