Tuesday 4 February 2014

Worst 3 Drops in History

Worst 3 Drops in History 

Today, the 'Dow Jones Industrial Average' dropped 326 points to end the day at 15,372.80.  After numerous highs in 2013, the 'Dow Jones' has lost a total of 7.3% since january 1, 2014.  

This 'sizeable' drop made me wonder what was the 'Worst 3 drops in history' of the Dow Jones Industrial.  

Below, are the dates and brief reason for the drops: 

April 14, 2000.  
Total Drop: 618 points (5.7%)

After learning that core consumer prices had risen 0.4%, which was more than expected, investors got rid of technology stocks in droves.  The sell-off spread to other industries causing all 30 stocks of the Dow Jones to fall.  Between Monday and Friday of that week investors lost a total of 2 trillion dollars.  

September 17, 2001.  
Total Drop: 684 points (7.1%)

Following the worst terrorist attack in USA history on September 11, 2001, the market plummeted on its first day of trading, after being closed for one week.  

September 29, 2008. 
778 points (7.0%)

The USA 'House of Representatives' failure to pass President George Bush Administration's 700 billion dollar bailout plan triggered the biggest one-day point drop in the history of the 'Dow Jones Industrial Average'.   The market plummeted, with sellers frantically dumping stocks as fears mounted that Congress would be unable to come up with a speedy fix.  

I hope we never see these kinds of drops again, and 'recovery' is surely in the coming days.  

Thank you for reading, 

Ben here

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