Friday 21 February 2014

The United States Notes

The United States Notes

This is a continuation to my previous writings titled:

'Executive Order number 11110'
'The Elite Banking stopping JFK'

If the above links does not work, please copy/paste the link to the 'address bar'. 

Today, I would like to write about the difference between the 'Bank Note', named 'United States Notes' (USN), introduced by the President John F Kennedy (JFK), with the current money in circulation, named 'Federal Reserve Note' (FRN).  

Briefly, I would like to state again that the USN were issued as an interest-free and debt-free currency backed by 'Silver reserves' sitting in the USA Treasury Vault.  This was an absolute good reason to proceed with this brilliant idea.  

However, the USN did not stay in circulation for very long.  

The President JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963, and the USN, he bravely issued were immediately taken out of circulation.  Currently, the FRN are the only legal currency of the USA.  

What did the USN look like?

The USN looked like the FRN, the differences are that:
on the top of the Bank Note, one states 'United States Note', instead of 'Federal Reserve Note'.  

Also, the USN has a red seal, while the FRN has a green seal.  

The difference are just that, however the ramification of not continuing with the USN is this; the USN were backed by Silver Reserves and the FRN were not backed by anything of intrinsic value.   The USA's total debt has increased dramatically since 1963; and if the country would have continued with USN, large portion of this debt would not accumulated, since the country would not have to borrow the money from the 'Federal Reserve Bank' at Interest.  

We need to re-visit the idea of 'United States Notes'. 

Thank you, 


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