Tuesday 18 February 2014

The Elite Bankers stopping JFK

The Elite Bankers stopping JFK

The theory that we are not made aware of is the subject matter, I would like write about today. 

Since November 22, 1963, the assassination date, there have been thousands of books filled with theory and myth as to why the President, John F. Kennedy (JFK) was gunned down in the city of Dallas.  

The theory I would like to bring attention to is the government of JFK trying to stop the printing of money 'outside' of Parliament, and not in the hands of the Federal Reserve Bank (FED). 

The important date of June 4,1963, is little known as the date that the attempt was made to 'start' the stripping of the FED of its power to loan money to the government at interest.  

We do not realize that the money printed and loaned to the USA government is completed through the FED, which is not a government body.  

On the date stated above, the President, Mr JFK signed an Executive Order Number 11110 that would eventually return the power to the USA government to issue currency, without requiring to go through the FED.  

The President Mr. JFK, with the Executive Order Number 11110, was on his way to eliminating the FED and having the printing of money, backed by 'Silver Certificates' in the hands of the government of USA.  Prior to the Executive order reaching Parliament for passing, guess what occurred?

We are led to believe that there are other reasons why the President of the United States of America, Mr JFK, was assassinated.  

The more plausible reason is that the 'Elite Bankers' stopped the 'Executive Order' and had the President assassinated.  

What ever happened to this 'Executive Order'?
On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, the Executive Order Number 11110 was signed with the authority to basically strip the FED of its power to loan money to the USA government at interest.  With the signature by JFK, President declared that the privately owned FED would soon be out of business.  The 'Executive Order' after his assassination, has never been repealed, amended, or super-ceded by any subsequent Executive Order.  In simple terms, it is invalid now. 

Thank you for reading, 


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