Monday 3 February 2014

Dersim Dort Dag Icinde

Dersim Dort Dag Icinde

(Between Four Mountains is Dersim)

Below, I have written the words in Turkish, for the beautiful song.  

         Turkey / Turkiye 

If I receive requests, then I will gladly translate the words/song, from Turkish to English, or another language.  

Without Further delay, the words of the song:


Dersim dort dag icinde, 
Gulum var dag icinde,
Dersimi hak saklasın,
Bir yarim var icinde. 

Ne oldu agama ne oldu,
Sarardı benzin soldu,
Agam burdan gidelim,
Bu yerler viran oldu. 

Harput’un altı kelek,
Dersime gidek gelek,
Elin elimde olsun,
Kapı kapı dilenek. 



Soz: Anonim
Okuyan: Ahmet Kaya
Cok cok begenen: Bizler

       Ahmet Kaya

This is a song, by Ahmet Kaya, with a YouTube link attached below; if the link does not work, please copy/paste to the address bar.

Thank you, 


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