Sunday 27 December 2020

Slippery out there, be careful

Hope you are fine man, it is slippery out.  Be careful. 

Last October I was walking with my son Ahmet, I was holding his hand.  

I slipped and landed on the left side of my shoulder.  And all thru out the slipping and falling, I was trying not to land on my son.  Like my feet were in the air, and somehow, I turned myself in the air, to land on the opposite side, to my hand holding Ahmet.  

I landed on my left side and Ahmet landed on my chest.  

We were both fine that day.  

Next few hours, I could not turn my neck or my shoulder.  

In the morning, I could not get out of bed, it was that bad and my left side, shoulders area was bruised, the bruise looked very cool however, purplish.  😁

It hurt for almost one week.  

Be careful, that ground is very hard, when it is frozen.  

Thank you,

Sunday 13 December 2020

Qualico home


I’m puzzled by the response.  

We were shown very good customer service and now after taking our money, well it is actually the banks money, we are making mortgage payments, we get an email response without even coming out to check out the, say, light fixture problem. Very interesting I think. Capitalism at its finest, take the money and run.  

The electrical on paper might look correct, but how could you say it is correct at implication if one does not look at it ???????

Let me give further info, the switch closest to the garage door also turns on the lights upstairs, this is wrong. That light switch should only turn on the light at the bottom, you know why? Because the light switch by the wall opposite the garage door, also turns on the light switch at the top.  We do not need two switches to turn on the above FOYER.  

This needs to be fixed.  

Please send out someone to fix this gas smell, thanks. 

Well be proud Qualico, you just sold a home to a family that went into 20 homes and all homes had mirror and tiles in all of the bathrooms, but this home we purchased did not have a mirror and tiles in one of the bathrooms?!?!?!?! Could it be because, you took our money and we could hear your executives saying “screw them, we do not need to put mirror and tiles in there as there are two other mirrors and tiles in the other bathrooms”. Qualico needs to be this cheap to not put a mirror and tiles in a bathroom? Why did you guys not write in the document to say ‘there will be no mirror and tiles in the bathroom’ this would be giving the buyer full disclosure and we would have known that there was not going to be a mirror and tiles, and therefore we would have put those items in our list of items that we wanted in this home. 

Do you guys understand where we are coming from???? 

Full disclosure, learn this. I cannot believe we bought a home without a mirror and tiles, the part that really upsets me is that I am writing an email arguing that it is wrong you guys sold us a home without these items and you guys are arguing back to say “oooooo well you did not put it on the document, therefore we left it out”.  Are you guys kidding me???? ONE EXPECTS TO BUY A HOME AND ALL OF THE BATHROOMS SHOULD HAVE THOSE ITEMS.  Send someone to fix this. 

Keep up the good work in cunning your customers.  

This is a similar argument as the above number 3 item.  What you guys are not seeing is this, in your brochure you hand out to your customers it shows tiles on the walls around the fireplace.  So when the customer looks at the picture in the brochure of the fireplace they state “this one looks like the one we should buy hubby, look it is nice, oooo also look it has tiles around it’. I stated in my first email, even though it was not written in the buying documents there are no tiles around the fireplace, a buyer looks at the complete picture shown and assumes that the tiles are included around the fireplace.  It is your responsibility to point that out to the customer to say “look, number 3 option is good, but it does not come with tiles”.  If you do not tell us this, how will we know to include the tiles or even make that choice of buying that option or not?

Similar to item 3 above, a customer assumes that a bathroom will have tiles and a mirror in it, the customer assumes that if a picture is shown to say ‘this is option 3’, you pick it based on the entire picture, which is the fireplace and tiles.  Again, what we have here is not disclosing to us what is fully included.  When we read the buying documents, we were not looking for being conned by you by “if it is not on the list, it is not in your home - crap”.   We require tiles around the fireplace, this requires fixing. 

Again, be proud, you conned us with the fireplace, enjoy your $4,500, you did well.  Keep it up. 

Similarly to number 3 and 4, would have been welcoming, honest, and important that you gave full disclosure to state “the garage is not fully complete” show me in your document where it states that? It is your responsibility to come forth. I do not buy a home everyday, how will I know that the garage will not be fully finished? The garage needs to be fully finished. 

I guess the dilemma we have here is, you run your corporation by not fully disclosing, while I believe it is wrong.  

Here I will give points to you.  Why? Even though the electric lawnmover I have now is the same lawnmower used in my prior home, and did not shut the breaker !!!!!!!!! we do not know if the lawnmower or cord is faulty now, it could be I guess.  Therefore, I will not argue further over this. 

But this also does not conclude that those breakers are of cheaper quality.  After dealing with you guys over the above issues, I’m getting the impression Qualico is a damn money pinching corporation and will do just about anything to make a bigger profit.  

Wonderful, we were enthusiastically happy buying and moving into a Qualico home, but now, I really am more knowledgeable about your business practice, and this upsets me greatly.   

I strongly feel we have been conned by you and you hiding behind a document, “if it is not on there, go fly a kite asswipe” attitude, this attitude in this day and age is wrong.  

Please learn to value your customers and show empathy. 

Look at the list above and read it from a customers point of view, from an ethical point of view. 

-If you show a picture with tiles around a fireplace, the customer assumes the fireplace comes with tiles. If it does not, YOU need to state this on your document.  

-If a customer browses the showhome and other homes of Qualico, and those other homes/bathrooms have mirror and tiles in them, one assumes there will be mirror and tiles in the home they purchase. If this home will not have tiles and mirror, YOU need to state that in your document     

Good luck in your future endeavours,

Thursday 10 December 2020


Kermit, the son of a president, namely Teddy Rosevelt, shot himself dead, he committed suicide in Alaska. 

I read before about Teddy going to Brazil to complete that journey in the Amazon forest and how he was injured, he almost died.  I had not known that his son Kermit went with him.  Interesting it should have been seeing his father in that condition and almost dead.  

Teddy’s children had cool names, Kermit, Quentin, Archibald   

Sunday 29 November 2020

Millionaires of Turkey

This is sad.  But!!!!

The heart and soul of Turkey are the common, Turkish, Kurdish, Turkic and all of the neighbouring countries citizens living there.  There are a great mix of people in Turkey.  

The rich people, not all of them but many of them, when investigated made their fortune from two things:

1. The Greek and Turkish exchange of citizens.  Greeks went to Greece, Turks from the Balkans took over the fields, homes, and even businesses in Turkey and become rich over night.  

2. Reason was after the war, the Armenians were given land by the Soviet in eastern Turkey, which we know now to be Armenia.  Armenia’s were the richest and most successful group in the Ottoman Empire, they were all bureaucrats.   When they were forced to leave, the Turks took over their hazel nut fields, Fig farms, cherry operation and etc.  Again, many Turks got rich very fast.  

Remember, the ones that got rich, were the ones close to the party that was ruled by Ataturk, as Ataturk gave favours obviously to the ones close to him. 

 Now come 100 years to the present.  Most All of the rich donot like Erdogan, why? It is obvious is it not? The old rich families were close with Ataturk’s party (CHP), who received favours from that government. 

Look up the richest families of Turkey. 
These people are still the rulers of Turkey, behind closed doors and these are very old families. 

Driving Range

I would like to start to play golf, but not enough money and not enough time.  

Maybe in a few years. 

About 20 years ago, I use to go to the driving range in the westend, there use to be a driving range just west of west Edmonton mall around 87 ave and 189 street.  That driving range is bought out and now it is where the Anthony Henday is. 

Anyways, I use to buy a bucket of balls, and use to hit those.  It was about $5 a bucket and use to be a good 30 minute to one hour entertainment.  I use to go a couple times a week, and always around 8 pm’ish. 

Good times.  

Wednesday 25 November 2020

Editing Videos

Very good editing. 
I like editing videos as well.  What you need is a good video editing software and lots of time.  
Also, you need to know where to find videos and how to download those videos onto your iPhone or computer, and afterwards upload into the video editing software. 
I use iMovie when editing my videos.  It is a software I am use to now, therefore I continue to use.  
I read months ago that windows media player is better than iMovie, but I donot have the energy to relearn how to use this.   
I use to use this software on my laptop prior to the iPhone days.  Now, I use iMovie right from my iPhone.  

Tuesday 24 November 2020

Choking on a plum

Wow.  I did not know.  That is a sad. 

Reminded me of 1993, I was living in my fathers home, my brother, then was 3 years old and I was 21.   

I was sitting in my room.  My door closed.  

I heard a commotion coming from the kitchen. There were a few lady friends of my mother, who were visiting and my three sisters there. 

Their were lots of yelling from all of them, by my mother and sisters  mostly.   

My mother ran towards me with my brother Atilla, she was carrying him.  All my sisters and the lady friends were following. 

They all jammed into the doorway of my room.  We met there as I was coming out of the room. 

They were screaming mad.  

My brother Atilla was choking on a plum.  Looking back, I did not know it was a plum, I really did not know what was happening as there were so much yelling. 

I just saw my mother carrying Atilla.  

I looked at Atilla, He had not past out yet.  

My reflex took over as I donot remember thinking anything.  

I took Atilla from my mothers hands. 

Went behind him.  

Put my hands right over his stomach, under the chest bone part. 

Started thrusting from behind. 

As I was thrusting him, his legs were lifting off of the ground.  We were alll in shock.  

I did the thrusting about a dozen times.  

Then, a plum fell out of his mouth.  

He started to cry.  They all started to cry, I think I was too. 

He was breathing now.   

They took him back into the kitchen.  

I was alone again.  

It happened so fast.  

I fell to the ground and sat there.  

Then I went looking for Atilla.  

He was ok.  

I had shit my pants.....

Saturday 21 November 2020

Cast my Vote

I’ve been to the woods, 
seen Grizzly bears chase rabbits 
as we chased balls in our childhoods,

Killer whales escorted me, 
while I was riding on a ferry boat
to get to my hood to cast my vote, 

But I ain’t seen no shit, like the shit that goes around this place. 

It’s bad, I know.  

Wednesday 18 November 2020

Who is shaking the jar?

Excellent question.  

divide and conquer.   

If a government (ruled by the elite) sets the minimum wage at a certain amount and the newsrooms that are also owned by the elite, send out messages of “world is coming to an end” “high unemployment “ etc., then the citizens will not complain about the low minimum wage. Therefore, more profit to the elite.  

I think my example is very simple but the point is, we the common people are kept “in the dark” given the bare minimum information, and we cannot make proper decisions, the results constant chaos.   

Who is shaking the jar? 

Greed is.   

elite (top 1% that own almost everything), 
large corporations (that hide sales to not pay taxes), 
the above named have no empathy for the common people and we fight each other.   

Monday 16 November 2020

Mr. Christopher Lee’s beautiful comment about Cushing

In an interview included on the DVD release of The Hound of the Baskervilles(1959), Christopher Lee said of his friend's death (Cushing): 

"I don't want to sound gloomy, but, at some point of your lives, every one of you will notice that you have in your life one person, one friend whom you love and care for very much. That person is so close to you that you are able to share some things only with him. For example, you can call that friend, and from the very first maniacal laugh or some other joke you will know who is at the other end of that line. We used to do that with him so often. And then when that person is gone, there will be nothing like that in your life ever again."

Godfather I

It is a good movie, you need to sit back and watch it one day.  

Not for it being a good movie only, think about it, it was filmed in I think 1974.  

Think about what you were doing in that year.  

While watching remember the legendary actors (now considered legendary), but back then they were fairly young.  Let me think without looking, Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Robert Duvall. James Caan, and the wife of Sylvester Stallone in the movie Rocky. In this movie, she was Al Pacino’s sister.  

Also who played the Godfather? Marlon Brando.  The icon of the 1950s and 1960s.  

Also, the director was Francis F Coppola.  He did many good films.  

Get this, Francis is the uncle of Nicolas Cage, you know who that is? Good actor.  

Last thing, Marlon Brando won an Oscar for this role, I think this was his third Oscar honour, but guess what he did? He did not show up to the oscars and declined the award.  

He sent a very pretty female Native American Indian to the awards, when they called ‘the winner is Marlon Brando’, the native lady went to the podium and gave a written speech of the cruelty and prejudice of native Indians in film.  This got many people cheering Marlon and the native lady, but he made a lot of enemies in Hollywood, particularly the executives of the industry with the speech. 

Watch it now, for all of the side stories about the film and actors. 

It is a slow movie.  

If you want to listen to the book, it is on YouTube, it is about 12 to 15 hours. 

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Clint - the Legend

I really think Clint is a legend.  There have been others that came close, I do not want to drop names here, as there are many, but Clint just is above the rest. 

My favourite movie is still, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, the third movie of the spaghetti trilogy with Sergio Leone. 

I did not know this, just found out from the interview.  

Clint was filming Rawhide and there was a three month break from filming this TV series.  He wanted to take that break and rest.  But, he gets a call from Sergio, the director of ‘A fist full of dollars’, the first of the trilogy.  They shot the film in Spain, and after completion, Clint goes back to USA and that is it.  

Then the film becomes an international success, and sometime later, Clint gets called back to do the second of the trilogy, For a few dollars more’.  


Tuesday 13 October 2020

Neriman Koksal’s life

Neriman Koksal’s real name was Hatice Kökçü. 

Neriman was born on March 17, 1928 in the town named Rima, just on the outskirts of the European side of Istanbul. Shortly after her birth, her family moved to the neighborhood of Ferikoy of Istanbul.  

She never knew her father Ahmet Kokcu as when she was only two years old, her father passed away.  Her mother remarried and had five children, therefore Neriman was the eldest child.  

Neriman’s family were originally from Albania and moved to Turkey after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.  

Her father’s side of the family did not want her to work in the film industry, therefore Neriman changed her name. This worked well when she starred in secondary roles as no one within her family recognized her, when watching in the films. 

However, once she became famous, after her signature role of Fosforlu Cevriye, translated to English as, Phosphorus coloured girl named Cevriye, which was released in the year 1959.  It was impossible to hide her true name, Every one knew her now.  

Neriman stared in over 400 projects in Turkish cinema and Turkish TV, which was over a time of close to 50 years.  

Neriman was an extremely sought after actress, especially during her peak years between 1958 to 1970. She stared along side other legendary Turkish actors of Orhan Gunsiray, Ayhan Isik, and Izzet Gunay, just to name only three.  

Neriman passed away at the age of 72, on October 22, 1999, due to having and battling breast cancer for over a year.  

Neriman is buried at the Zincirlikuyu mezarligi, which is very close to where she lived for her entire life, again in Istanbul, on the European side of the city.  

The story goes as follows, when she was walking at Beyoglu neighbourhood of Istanbul, she was spotted by two Turkish sinema producers, who followed her home.  She was offered a role, right at the door step of her home.  She took the offer, and as they say, the test is history.  

We the fans are glad she took the offer.  

From Green Pine Film, we wish her family, friends, and fans patience. May she Rest In Peace, Allah rahmet eylesin.  

Friday 9 October 2020

Speak the Truth | John Wayne

Cannot blame a man for speaking the truth.  

When we came to Canada Years ago, we did not know who John Wayne was.  We did not have cable therefore watched channel 4, CBC mostly.   They use to play his movies a lot and therefore saw many of his movies within a few months and learned to cheer for him in the movies.  I always loved his accent and speech style.   I do have to admit I liked him right of the bat.  

Two Cops

Two cops were standing next to their cruiser and hanging around in the former East Germany shortly after the wall fell.  Two cyclists, who were lost (from England), looking for directions, stop next to the cops.  

"I don't speak German," one says to one of the cops, "Might you speak English?"  The cops shrug with incomprehension.

"Parlez vous francais?" Asks a biker, more shrugs by the cops. 

"Parla Italiano?" Shrugs by the cops. 

"Habla Espanol?" Same thing. 

The guy even tries Portuguese and Latin, no luck. 

Finally the bikers ride off, frustrated.

One cop looks at the other and says, "Hey, that biker spoke 6 languages!"

The first one shrugs one last time. "Yeah well, what good did it do"

Turkiye’de Ehliyet Almak Icin Yapilacak Isler

Turkiye'de ehliyet almak icin asagidaki isleri tek tek yapmaniz lazim gerek.  Bu liste yurt disinda olupda o ulkede ehliyeti olan sahisin Turkiye'de ehliyet almak istiyorsa.  

Ancak Turkiye ile diger ulke arasinda antlasma yoksa, bu liste gecerli degildir ve o zaman yeni ehliyet basvurusu yapman lazim, yani diger ulkede ehliyetiniz olsada yeni bastan ehliyet icin muracaat etmen lazim gelecek.  

Iste liste:

1- Surucu belgesinin noterden veya elcilikten tasdikli tercumesi,

2- Surucu belgesi dosyası (Soforler derneginden temin edebilirsiniz),

3- Surucu belgesi muracaat formu, (Trafik tescil kurulusunda elektronik ortamda doldurulur),

4- Nufus cuzdaninin asli ve fotokopisi (Yabanci uyruklular icin ikametgah tezkeresi),

5- İki adet fotograf, (Son alti ay icerinde cekilmis olmalidir)

6- Surucu olur raporu (asli) (Devlet hastanesi veya ozel saglik kuruluslarindan),

7- Kan grubu belgesi veya yazili beyani,

8- Yabanci surucu belgesi asli (Islemden sonra iade edilmek uzere),

9- Yabanci surucu belgesinin renkli fotokopisi,

10- Maliyeden veya bankadan harc makbuzu (Surucu belgesi sinifina gore),

11- Surucu belgesi kart ucreti, ve

12- KKTC surucu belgelerinin tercumesi istenmez.

Daha fazla bilgi icin adresinden ogrenebilirsiniz.



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Hulya Kocyigit