Sunday 31 August 2014

The Beautiful Tuco

The Beautiful Tuco

Eli Wallach, who played "the Ugly" character of the brilliant movie of 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly' has passed away quietly on June 24, 2014.   

         Excellent actor - Tuco 

Rest In Peace.

Mr Wallach was an American film, television and stage actor whose career spanned more than six decades, beginning in the late 1940s.

      the cemetery scene

Mr Wallach initially studied method acting under 'Sanford Meisner', and later became a founding member of the Actors Studio.  

I first watched him in the spaghetti western mentioned about and always thought he was brilliant in this role.  'Tuco', one could argue, stole almost every single scene in the movie.  Now , we will not argue this, not the time, as the entire production with all the cast and members, came together to make the 'best' film in 'world' theatre, in my opinion.  

        Another scene from the cemetery 

Today, I wanted to bring to attention, this 'Beautiful' man passed away on June 24, 2014; and I am ashamed to admit I heard about this yesterday, on August 29, 2014. 

My humble homage to this man.  


Thank you for visiting,

Ben here 

Sunday 24 August 2014

2004 Soldier

2004 Soldier (Asker - in Turkish)

10 sene olmus...

Hakikatten o kadar olmusmu?

Ben 2004 senesinde 'Parali Askerlik' yaptim Burdur sehrinde.

Askerligimi 28 gun yaptim. 

Ilk gittigim gunun gecesi cok kotu idi, cok iyi hatirlarim, kendime demistim/sormustum 'Ben ne yaptim?'

Koca bir 'Gymnasium' Salonun icinde 50 kisi yatiyorduk, rahat degildi. 

Ve hersey cok degisik idi.  

Kalabalik idi, 

Hava cok sicak idi, 

Kimseyi tanimiyordum,

Cok kotu gorundu hersey, ilkbakista...

Ama son gunun gecesini hatirliyorum, ne cabuk gecti 28 gun diye dusunmustum.   

Cok guzel arkadaslar vardi ve hic bir kotu gunum yok idi diye hatirliyorum simdi geriye baktigimda.   

Tum arkadaslar ile oturup cay iciyorduk o son gece ve askerligi bir cirpida bitirdik diyorduk ve aramizda gulusuyorduk.   

Bence hayat boyle iste, zor gunler olur, iyi ve kotu gunler olur ve bir bakarsin ne cabuk gecti...dersin kendine.  

Bazi seylerden ders almak lazim diye dusunuyorum.  

Simdilik hoscakal,


Tuesday 19 August 2014

Robin Williams Passed Away

Robin Williams Passed Away

        Picture from my iPhone
          Another picture

May the funny man rest in peace.  


Wednesday 13 August 2014

Rest In Peace Suleyman Seba

Rest In Peace Suleyman Seba

Allah Rahmet Eylesin,
Topragi Bol Olsun, 
Ruhu Sad Olsun, ve
Allah Gunahlarini Af Eylesin. 



Monday 11 August 2014

Day of Birth

Day of Birth

Some sites can now tell you the exact date of your birth.  I have copy/pasted a link of one of these sites, here below.

Please visit this site if you are interested in the 'day' of your birth.  I have an interesting story of my 'birth day'. 

It says I was born on a Sunday, when completing the required information on the above site.  My mother has told me the story of me being born on a Saturday, which is interesting as then it conflicts with the website.  

Here is the story:

My father went to work Saturday early morning, he was a 'Pazarci', which means that he sold fruits and vegetables at various 'Farmer markets'.  How it worked in Istanbul was that each day, he would sell his produce at a different farmers market across the city.  That day, on Saturday, he was located at 'Beykoz', which is a neighbourhood in the Asian side of Istanbul.  My parents lived in 'Fatih', which is on the European side of the city.  

     Fatih, Istanbul

I was born early afternoon on that day my father worked at Beykoz, which would be Saturday.   

Also, my father did not work Sundays, this was his only day off. 

     Beykoz, Istanbul

After giving birth in her home, the upstairs neighbour, who was my
mothers uncles daughter, and my mothers best friend, which her name was Hatice.   Hatice's husband was called to duty, however, sadly I cannot remember his name, today.  

Anyway, the husband of Hatice was sent to where my father was employed that day, to inform him I was born.  He went from Fatih to Beykoz, which would be approximately hour and half journey.  For his efforts and good news, my father bought him a nice meal, and they returned back home together, later that evening.  

I saw this gentleman, Hatice's husband when I last visited Istanbul in August 2012.  He re-told the nice story of how he travelled from the European side of Istanbul, and crossed the bosphorous sea to the Asian side to tell my father of the birth.  He told the story, while we were sitting at a 'coffee house' in Fatih.  I bought him a cup of tea and he spoke while I listened.  I hope I see him again when I visit Istanbul again....soon.  

I have to remember his name, his name is on the 'Tip of my tongue', 

Back to that webpage. 

Therefore, either the chart is wrong on the webpage, or my parents put my date of birth of January 31 and it should have been Saturday January 30th. 

Interesting story, I thought to share.  

Thank you for visiting,

Ben here 

Sunday 10 August 2014

Highlander Quote

Highlander Quite

          Picture taken from the 📺 screen

Thank you,


Thursday 7 August 2014

So Called Defend the Land

So Called Defend the Land

I read an article in a major American news paper today.  There was a full page advertisement which was a statement that was pro-Israel, listing all the reasons why they have a right to defend themselves.

          Palestine flag and her young future

They are spending a lot of money trying to convince the world that they have a right to defend themselves, which no one is disputing.

Furthermore, a journalist in that newspaper had a whole argument about how people who harshly criticize Israel over humanitarian concern for the Palestinians are closet anti-Semites. 

The magazine 'Economist' has published many articles which are biased in favor of Israel.  So have many other big publications.  

Soldier taking away a young boy

Such biased and one sided reporting of so called facts and interpretations completely discredits the entire news media.  It has become so bad that their is more truth in the advertisements than there is in the actual news.  

Well, just because people are critical of Israel when Israel misbehaves does not make them anti-Semites.

To disagree with a Jew does not make one an anti-Semite.

To label such people like that is dirty, a low blow, and downright despicable.

This type of rhetoric will not win people over to Israel's side, but will anger them and drive them away.

Thank you for reading, 


Monday 4 August 2014

Kibar Feyzo, Hadi Yine Seyredin

Kibar Feyzo, Hadi Yine Seyredin

Bilinmezdir ama bu guzel Turk filmin senaryosu, oyuncu Ihsan Yuce tarafindan yizilmis.  Onun bu filmde cok guzel bir rolude vardir.  Mujde Ar'in babasini canlandirir, film geregi ismi Huso'dur.  Tabiiki, seyretmeyenler bilmezdir, Mujde Ar'in kocasida Kemal Sunal'dir.   

          Kibar Feyzo 

Diger bir kac oyuncuyuda sayiyim asagiya:
Sener Sen,
Ilyas Salman (Bilo),
Adile Nasit (Sakine Anney),
Erdal Ozyacilar (Zulfo), 
Bahri Ates (Topal Hoca)

Filmin kısaca konusu soyledir:

Kibar Feyzo (Kemal Sunal) askerden dondukten sonra Gulo'ya (Mujde Ar) evlenme teklifi eder.  Tabiiki, bu ufak koyde Gulo'ya baska erkekler talip olur, bunun bir tanesi Bilo'dur (Ilyas Salman).  Gulo'nun babası 'Baslik parasi' denen uygulamayi cok ileri goturur ve 'Acik artirma' uygular, kizi icin.   

Ve boylece film baslar.  

          Baslangic sahnesi 

Damat elbette buyuk bir borcun altina girer ve bu parayi odemek icin para kazanmasi lazim.  Damat, yani 'Kibar Feyzo' borcunu odemek icin 'Sehre' gidip calismaya baslar.  Sehre her gidip donusunde, koylulere 'Artik Aga'lik kalkti' gibi laflar eder.  Ve boyle Aga'ya karsi cephe olusunca, filmde cok guzel, dusundurucu, aydin ve anlamli sahneler olusur.  

Maho Aga, Sener Sen tarafindan canlandirilir ve o ve diger oyuncular, bu filmi 'American filmi' olarak cekseydiler, elbette o senenin 'Oscar'ini' herbiri alirdi.  Ve tabiki 'Best picture' kategorisinde bu film kazanmasi suphesizdir.  

          Kemal Sunal, rahmetli

Koy hayatini,
Feodal (Agalık) düzeni, 
Muzikal Turkuleri,
Koy insanının cehaletini, &
Bunlarla birlikte gelen yobazlıgı 

Kara mizah yoluyla elestiren sahane bir filmimizdir. 

         Meshur savunma 

Cok kere seve seve seyrettigim bir film'dir, tavsiye ederim.  

