Wednesday 25 August 2021

Is Vancouver achievable?

Yes I really like Vancouver, I should have moved there sometime back, but I could not without securing work.  

I’m like that, in that I did not take risk.  I was working at Glastonbury Drugs and did not want to quit and go there.  I think that would have been not smart.  If I could have secured a transfer out there, I would have definitely went, but that did not happen.  

But I have met people who quit Glastonbury Drugs and did other stuff. I was surprised at people like that, I was also envious.

Maybe I will make it out there, but I believe it is highly unlikely now. Only way it will work is if my wife secures work around there and I request a spousal transfer.  

Or after retiring, we move there.  This option is a possibility.  

But we like living in our home and neighbourhood now, which is called Uplands, and will most likely stay here for a very long time.  

What I would like to do is just visit Vancouver once every 3 to 6 months.  That I’d like to do. 

Take care,

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