Wednesday 25 August 2021

Balkans and the Ottomans

I was not knowledgeable when I first came to Canada, as the education system in Turkey is biased. 

Ataturk is god. 

Kemalism is nothing but good. 

The Turks came into existence in 1923.  There was nothing prior to this date. 

I mean it, this is how the system was. 

I hear it is better now, but 20 or 25 years ago it was not good.  Go back 50 years, and it was even worse. 

I had to leave the country to learn about my past, about the Ottomans and the prior empires ruled by the Turkic people. 

Anyway, today I was at the YMCA and met a dude from Moldova. 

Now 20 years ago I would have said, “hello bud, and walked away.”

Now, I asked him about the Ottoman Empire and how him and I today are from different counties, but only, I repeat only 100 years ago, we were under the same government.  

We had a good chat.  

The Balkans were ruled by the Ottomans for over 400 years.

People got along. 

Thank you,

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