Wednesday 25 August 2021

Turkey and the Truth

Turkey is misunderstood in the west.  And so much wrong has been done to this country and the western folk really do not know the full truth.  

What people in Turkey are asking now are these: 
if Turkey won the war of independence from the imperial powers, why did Ataturk take the imperial powers alphabet? 
Why were we forced to dress like the west? 
Why were we not able to speak Ottoman Turkish? And take words from English and French? 
Why did we lose our culture? 

Do you know that people in Turkey cannot read their grand parents writing because we were forced to forget it, think about grandparents were forced out of their country via Ataturk.  

Did you know that Turkey is the only country that won the war of independence and then forced to take the losers (imperial powers) above stated laws.  

Also, do you know how many people Ataturk hung to implement the above? It was not in the thousands, it was in the hundred thousands.

Last few things, do you know how much land was taken from Turkey to give to the puppet regimes? 
1.The Greek islands taken, 
2.Thrace area (Eastern Europe) taken to give to the Greeks and Bulgars,
3.Syria was taken,
4.Irak was taken,
5.north-east corner of Turkey was taken, now it is Russian. 
6.Cyprus, taken by UK and given to you know who.

There are a bit more, but you get the picture.  

That is why people in Turkey like Erdogan, he is standing up against the western powers. 

Natural course in Turkey is the Ottoman’s.  

I guarantee you that the Ottoman Sultan will be placed at the throne, similar to the queen in England, this is an unwritten goal of the coming governments.  Once this happens, all the lands taken by the imperial powers will be asked to join back.  Istanbul will be made the capital once more.  

The more I read about the Osmanli/Ottoman the more I get sad what was done to my grandparents...

Thank you ❤️

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