Wednesday 25 August 2021

Did Muhammad marry his daughter-in-law?

 Case closed 😁😁😁 Not. 

A couple of wrongs.  

I’m not the only one that is criticizing the prophet for marrying his adopted son’s ex wife. The people living in the prophets time, critiqued the prophet very heavily for marrying his adopted son’s ex wife.  Please do more research.  

It was not a common practice to marry ones daughter in law in those times. Actually, no person but the prophet did this, in his time. Don’t argue back to state to me that it was a common practice, it was not. This action had nothing to do with Arabia, Islam, or Cahiliye time.  No other person married his daughter-in-law in those times. 

The prophet got very heavy criticism for marrying his daughter-in-law, therefore what happened? Miraculously, an ayet came down to say, it is ok to marry Zaynab since Zayd was not the biological son, and adopted son, therefore, Zaynab was not the daughter in law.

How convenient.

If you think that the prophet marrying his adopted son’s ex wife, was ok, because, hey, since Zayd was adopted, he can marry Zayd’s ex wife.  Then good on you bud. You choose to not see the wrong in this action, well, not much to say to you.

You don’t see the problem here do you? 

Your argument concludes this, you would not marry your biological sons ex wife, since she is your daughter in law.  I’m hoping you would not. 

But you would marry your adopted son’s ex wife, since the son is adopted, you would.  Do you see the wrong in this? as your answer should be, not to marry your daughter-in-law, adopted or not, don’t marry your daughter-in-law.  

Muhammad should not have either, him marrying his daughter-in-law has no good explanation to humanity, could it be only for his own desire? 

Last comment about Zayd. I’m saddened about Zayd. It was not his choosing to drop his last name of Muhammad - Zayd, the son of Muhammad. He was forced by Muhammad to drop his last name to be known no longer as the son of Muhammad. This is terrible. Look at it from Zayd’s point of view.  

He has to drop his last name, a name he had for over 20 years.
He sees his adopted father marry his ex wife, a wife he had for 2.5 years.  
He grew up in the home of Muhammad and Hatice, to be banished from their home, their will, and the family of Muhammad.   

I ask you why was Muhammad marrying his adopted son’s ex wife have any good to common society, to humanity, to family affairs; absolutely nothing.  

Please, please, please, do research.  

Take care bud, thank tou. 

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