Wednesday 25 August 2021

Zaynab, the daughter-in-law of Muhammad

Why argue back to me by stating, “if three of them are happy, why are you objecting. “

(Three of them - Zayd, Zaynab, and Muhammad).  

Let us focus on the action of Muhammad.  

Stick to this action only please.  

Don’t argue around by writing, “if certain places did not allow cousins to marry, that place would fizzle away.” No 

Stick to Muhammad marrying his adopted son’s ex wife. 

This is an important matter as it affects me and you, since he is our prophet. A prophet that supposedly knows best.  

I ask you, was Zayd Muhammad’s son in law? Adopted or not. I’ll answer - yes. 

Was Zaynab Muhammad’s daughter-in-law? Yes. 

Did Muhammad marry his daughter-in-law? Yes. 

Is this morally a bad action. Yes. 

Is this ayip, then or now. Yes. 

I donot care that Muhammad and Zaynab were happy or not, as you state that, “if they are happy, why am I criticizing this.” I’m criticizing this as it is a bad action. My prophet should know better not to marry his adopted son’s ex wife. 

Stop defending a bad action.  

Stop trying to justify it.  

This is what you need to do, as I did this. 

Go into a quiet room. Close your eyes. Picture in your mind how our prophet married his adopted son’s ex wife and if your truly honest with yourself, you will cry at how bad this makes my religion look.  

Again, may Allah help all of us, as I feel deceived by Muhammad.  

Go marry someone else, were there not other woman for Muhammad? Yes there were, he had another 8 wives already. Why marry Zaynab? If your going to retort to say, “he married for political reasons,” well bud, I have a ready answer for that too. 

This is the summary, Muhammad should not have married his daughter-in-law.  

Period, thank you. 

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