Wednesday 25 August 2021

Zayd, the adopted son of Muhammad

Others lives should not matter to us, let each person live their own. Muhammad marrying his adopted sons ex wife, even if Zayd was 10 years younger, is a bad action by Muhammad.

In those days, they criticized Muhammad for marrying his adopted son.  

Now in 2021, we are still criticizing the prophet.  

I ask you, let us say, you adopted a son, he was 10 years younger than you.  Your adopted son, married, then divorced.  That lady that your adopted son married is now your daughter in law.  

Even after she divorces your adopted son, it is best not to marry her.  Am I I right this far? 

If you say, “look man, if my adopted son is ok, with me marrying his ex wife, I would marry her,” well your morale and mine are different.  

I would not, as my adopted son is still my son. He would be my son. And any ex wife of his, would still be a delicate matter and it would be best to stay away from that ex wife. It would be best to not only Zayd or Muhammad, but just for the entire family.  

This action by Muhammad is not defendable, but many try.   

Bad is bad, then or now.  

Because of this bad action by Muhammad, I’m very upset and sad at him, I lost my love for my religion, he should have known better not to marry his daughter-in-law, but he did not.  

Plus, there is the issue of, how a verse from the Quran miraculously come down to say, it is ok now to marry your adopted son’s ex wife? 

Please do some research.  

Take care, may Allah help you.

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