Wednesday 1 January 2014

2014 World Cup Draw

2014 World Cup Draw

The FIFA 2014 World Cup, will be played in Brazil in June of 2014.  The Final Draw for setting up of the 'Groups' for this tournament will take place at the city of Costa do Sauipe, which is near the city of Salvador, in Brazil. 

The 'Draw' will be completed on December 6, 2013.  

The 'Pots' are listed below, and the way it works is like this.  

There will be 1 country picked per pot, to form 8 groups of 4 teams.  A look at the Pots, shows that there will be interesting and difficult match-ups  lurking for us viewers.  

Pot 1: Brazil, Spain, Germany, Argentina, Colombia, Belgium, Uruguay and Switzerland.

Pot 2: USA, Mexico, Costa Rica, Honduras, Japan, Iran, South Korea and Australia.

Pot 3: Chile, Ecuador, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Algeria, Nigeria, Cameroon, France

Pot 4: Netherlands, Italy, England, Portugal, Greece, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and Russia.

I'm looking forward to the draw and finally, the World Cup. 

Happy viewing to everyone in the World. 

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