Sunday 5 January 2014

Syrian Refugees in Camps

Syrian Refugees in Camps

I wanted to write and bring further attention to a concern I have read in numerous articles.  

There is a snow storm in the Middle-East right now.  

The Syrian refugees who have fled their country, due to the 'civil war', are now, in even more hardship.  

I am concerned for the well-being of the Syrian refugees, who are living in tents, under cold temperatures, in refugee camps in the countries of Turkey and Lebanon.  

There are families with children, who are affected by the cold and the living conditions in these refugee camps, as they were not prepared for the 'blizzard' like conditions. 

There are extreme hardship conditions within the camps, currently.  

I further read that the United Nations, alongside numerous Aid Agencies, are distributing blankets, sheets, heaters and clothing; however there are not enough items for everyone within the camps.  

What can we do?, living so very far away from the Refugee Camps.  

One answer is, we can pray for them.  

Also, we can search on the net for 'Charities', whose mission is helping people of Syria; and making a donation, in this 'Giving' season.  

I hope we all live to see a day of 'no wars'.  

Thank you for reading.  

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