Thursday 23 January 2014

Culture in Decline, Episode 1 Review

Culture in Decline, Episode 1 Review 

The creator of the documentary 'Zeitgeist films', Mr Peter Joseph, follows this with a 'series' of 12 shows which are 30 minute in length, titled 'Culture in Decline'.  

The first episode of 'Culture in Decline' gives information of what 'Democracy' is and how/when the thought began.  Also, the USA election is looked at, with thoughtful comments made by Mr Joseph.

While it may be far easier to define a problem than to solve one, the masses as a whole, that is us, we are too selfish, weak, and ignorant to address this problem, at this time, and Mr Joseph points this out.   

We all know, since we have heard it numerous times on our 'news' networks, however, it is reintegrated in the first episode of 'Culture in Decline' and I will write this in the below paragraph.  

How can we, as a society, not solve the problem that almost half of the world, that is over 3 billion people, are either barely surviving in poverty and sickness, or are simply dying off unnecessarily at a rate of about one person every fee minutes.  All this is occurring in the 'dawn' of an advanced technological realities.  Why are our 'political leaders' not addressing this issue?

I will leave it at this for now.  

I recommend this first episode of 'Culture in Decline' and I have attached the link below.


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