Thursday 2 January 2014

Roaming Charges

Roaming Charges

what is 'Roaming'?

We all have cell phones now days, and the term 'Roaming' means connecting to 'cell phone network / service' in a different location then your 'home' service area.  The term originates from 'Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) terminology use.

Obviously, as soon as we require service, outside of our home area, this will be an extra charge by your cell phone provider.

I read an article and wanted to share the highlights of the future changes that are coming in 'Europe' and then hopefully in 'North America'. 

When a person living in the city of London, travels to Paris, which is only 2.5 hours away by train, the 'Roaming' charges are as following:
- 20 minute call to London from Paris costs $10 Canadian Dollars,
- Texting a photograph costs $1.25 CD.

Due to the high costs of this service, business is declining for telecommunications companies, since consumers are using their phones less, and even shutting off these devices.

There is a proposal in the works to eliminate 'Roaming' charges by the year 2016, in parts of Europe.  I look forward to the elimination of this charge in Canada (North America) as well. 

We will wait and see, what the future has in-store for us consumers.

Thank you for visiting,

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