Saturday 4 January 2014

Ikhlas Chapter of Kuran

Ikhlas Chapter of Kuran

Ikhlas Chapter, English 

Ikhlas Surah, Arabic

Ihlas Suresi, Turkish 

I wanted to write a blog, linking today's topic to my previous write-up titled 'Surah Al Fatihah'.  Please look for this 'educational' and 'informative' write-up in this blog. 

Here is today's topic. 

In the religion of Islam, Ikhlas Surah, is the 112 chapter of the Holy Book Kuran/Quran.  There are 114 chapters in the Holy Book, and 'Ikhlas Surah', is a short chapter at the end, with only 4 verses.  

The chapter focuses on absolute declaration of Allah's unity and guidance.  Also, in the chapter, the believers of the religion, requests mercy from Allah. 

'Al-Ikhlas' means 'the purity' or 'the refining'. 

Below are the 4 chapters; 

First sentence is in English. 
Second sentence in Arabic. 
Third sentence is in Turkish. 


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Bismillahir Raḥmanir Raḥim. 

Sonsuz kerem ve rahmet eden Allah'ın adıyla, okumaya başlıyorum.

Say: He is Allah, the One and Only,

Kul huvallahu ehad,

De ki: Mutlak varlık olan Allah tektir.

Allah, the Eternal, Absolute,


Kendisine herseyin muhtac oldugu Allah,

He begetteth not, nor is He begotten,

Lem yelid ve lem yuled,

O, ne dogurdu, ne de doguruldu,

And there is none comparable unto Him. 

Ve lem yekullehu kufuven ehad.

Hicbir ortagi da yoktur.


Thank you for reading, please visit again. 

May you enter, into your own 'Kingdom'.  

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